Channeling offers a practitioner the opportunity to shape their mind in such a way that it perceives itself to be communicating with external sources. It is this perception that allows the development of the internal consciousness to realize and understand that the entire universe can be experienced within. The process of seeking the outside from within guides the mind to discovering more than what its familiar comfort zone and it is this that allows it to find true strength and purity. The contrasting perception of purity, which is one of isolation ultimately creates a perception of complete separation from the True Self.
In moving the mind out we are working with the sense and perception that we are moving from what is the self into external territory. This perception is what opens us to the possibility of psychic manipulation and negative entities. There are two main methods of dealing with these phenomena. One is to release the areas of resistance within us that entities can hold on to. The other is to form the part of consciousness that channels into a weave of sensitivity – soft yet strong enough to match the frequencies of any that come in its way. At the point of meeting it is important that our mental direction and energy is strong enough to move past these entities without taking on their residues while at the same time not compromising flexibility for strength. This is a process that is learnt most easily through experience, however it is important to note these things. Interestingly it is almost impossible to connect with another energy and not have an effect. The intention is to learn how to manage and direct this effect so that it is congruent with our truth.
This type of training provides a basis for moving in the direction of our potential at all times. Rather than fearing what we perceive to be negative energies because we have not yet reached the point where we can transform them, we learn to keep ourselves centered while moving toward our destination. We neither compromise our ultimate destination nor do we compromise our development of real inner strength. Working with this level of sensitivity requires a constant state of consciousness because subconscious states will have a tendency to react with fear to anything that they cannot assimilate or transform. A flexibility of mind is required to understand when the opportunity for developing aspects of emotional strength are at their potential and when less vulnerable methods of protection such as the popular white light visualizations are more appropriate. In itself this flexibility develops into a wisdom that is gradually understood at the deeper levels of body and mind. This direction entrains a further congruency of truth, reason and purpose between all levels of consciousness.
All action must report back to reflection and observation, and the main factor to observe is the overall state of tangible and conscious energy. Energy is the fuel that allows us to direct, drive and move our consciousness. There will always be a balance between integrating knowledge and having that act of integration drain us of energy. The important thing is that we keep tuned into our purpose and destination. There will be times when we intuit that it is necessary to enter low energy states, but the awareness of reason and meaning will provide the opportunity to find a gate through which we can again transcend this state.