Dogma is belief that is not subject to self-criticism. It is for this reason that dogma must be continually tested and bombarded. Dogma would have us believe that it stands above criticism, that the very thought of criticism is blasphemy or blasphemy’s modern day cousin, politically incorrect. This is the nature of what occurs when we allow power to corrupt us. We seek to keep this power safe, and the safest place is a place that is untouchable.
When we create untouchables we create objects within our minds that are exempt from criticism or observation. These untouchables become so perfect that we skew our own intuition in order to justify what we see. We literally and willingly pull the wool over our eyes. The solution is to actively and consciously test everything.
Real power comes from making our deepest values completely congruent with our actions. Simple in principle, but rapidly degenerates in practice when we actively deny and ignore our growing awareness and perception. This is what happens when we hold on to dogma. It is an active process and the solution must also be active. It is through being alert and critical that dogma is destroyed. We ignore nothing, we let nothing get away. What ability is trained here? The ability of sensitive and aware perception. This is the tool that is required for self-mastery. Many speak of it and yet when it comes to using and developing it they shy away because of what it truly means.
It takes inner strength and courage to realize that illusion and dogma exists everywhere. Each time awareness destroys a piece of it, it feels like part of our dream has perished. In truth, what is really occurring is that we are creating evolution and development that is aligned to our own realization of truth and empowerment.
Destruction is a necessary part of evolution and growth. It transforms what is not useful and expands what is. Dogma when freed from its prison of our perceptions becomes alive and useful information. It then has the ability to adapt, to grow and to fit our own purpose and meaning. Instead of a separation between our own value and that of the untouchable, the untouchable simply becomes touchable and we recognize unity.
The only reason that dogma exists is to protect the investment of power. This itself is a lie also, because what it is really protecting is an illusion of power. Any power that needs protection is just an affirmation of an inner weakness and so is not true power at all. This is dogma, made untouchable because to touch it would make it crumble. Tearing away this perception brings us to the true cause of fear. Facing this fear, not running, hiding or pretending that its flaw does not exist allows us to create the strength, peace and wisdom that becomes in itself true power.