The Breath of the Universe

The breath of universe is a consciousness that links the physical breath to the breath and pulse of the Divine. It can be experienced in its totality when projecting the astral body into it and merging as one, but for those who are not versed in astral projection it can also be used in simple meditation and is a powerful tool for unifying the mind, body and spirit with the universe.

The experience of the breath is all about perception and the senses, so it is through these senses that you observe your breath. Feel it, see it, hear it, taste it and smell it. Allow your mind to touch all these senses, yet do not become involved, simply observe objectively and watch. Look for the subtle areas of these senses. Find the outer limits of your senses, where perception almost disappears. Hold your mind here. By holding your mind here, you stretch and expand your mind.

Observe the nature of your breath. Observe where it feels strong, observe where it feels subtle and released. Notice how far it travels as it leaves your body. Notice how far it travels as it enters your body. Follow it completely to the end of its journey – then send your mind out in this direction. Continue to walk the journey that your breath has begun. How far can you go? Where does your mind stop? Allow this expansion to continue. Notice the walls and barriers of your perception and be at one with them. Do not struggle – if there is resistance, be that resistance, if there is non-resistance, be that non-resistance.

Look for the spaces in between the resistance and allow your mind to melt through these spaces. Melt and expand. Allow the breath to dissolve you. Feel the pulse of the breath expanding ever outward, melting into the universe, becoming one with the universe. Be embraced, supported and empowered by this breath. Understand the power that comes from allowing the breath of the universe to nourish you. Breath as one.
