Category Archives: Ascension

Raising the vibrations of mind, body and spirit.

Recognition and Advanced Manifestation ~ Part 3

Mastery of the skills of manifestation comes through intensive practice and work. We must develop the ability to continuously confront and respond to what is required. This practice must be cultivated until courage, sensitivity and awareness becomes natural.

All masters who have developed the ability to manifest instantly have progressed through the ranks of first expending massive amounts of energy, focus and will in training. The furnace of training involved in this type of practice is what tempers and conditions the consciousness and enables it to move and create. There is no avoiding this if we are to gain these skills. The very fears, doubts, lack of patience and confusion that would prompt us to find an easy route to manifestation are the exact same aspects that will strengthen and develop our consciousness. We need these aspects to develop strength and sensitivity, a type strength and sensitivity that enables us to control our consciousness. This is what manifestation is and requires.

There are types of manifestation that are like puffs of wind and to those of us that can perceive this energy we can see that it is instantly dispersed. There is quite literally not enough energy or effort to hold it in our reality. The type of energy that we need to develop is of the mindset that is resolute and fixed in its determination to achieve its goals. If we have the mindset that we wish to manifest but only if we need not do any real hard work, then this is the exact intention that is expressed and projected. If we have the mindset that we will do whatever is required, that we will find a way and that even if we meet a wall we will climb over or find a way around it – then this is the type of energy and intention that we will manifest. At the mental level this type of consciousness looks for opening and opportunities everywhere. At the physical level the body is prepared and sensitive to respond.

Mastery of manifestation has never been about producing reality effortlessly. This has simply been a byproduct. The aim of manifestation is just that – to manifest exactly what we want, using whatever tools and knowledge we have and can get our hands on. This mindset creates that of an inspired, disciplined and dedicated explorer, on the lookout for new and better ways to do what we do.

It is this mindset that creates effortless power.

By finding ways in which first and foremost we achieve our goals we find better ways to succeed. If we simply seek to find easy ways and forgo making achievement our priority then we will find that what we create are ways of ease but not a lot in the direction of success. Finding ways that lead to our goals provides an opportunity to know and understand the destination. Then we can find paths of lesser resistance and effortless power. The ironic beauty is, that in achieving effortless power we have already transcended the need for it.


The Power of Recognition ~ Part 1

Real, tangible empowerment exists when we train our physical and mental consciousness to recognize it. Recognition is the development of listening, seeing, feeling and perception. It is our senses that provide us with the opportunity to judge and perceive our experiences, and thus it is our senses that determine what empowerment truly is. Without the ability to hear it would not matter how beautiful sounds might be as we would not be able to appreciate them. Without the ability to see it would not matter how beautiful sights might be as we would not be able to see them. Without the ability to feel it does not matter how beautiful a feeling may be as we are not able to feel them.

Understanding what to recognize at the intellectual level provides us with a road map of what it is that we are seeking, but this is all it is – a road map. Intellectualization does not provide us with the feeling, sight and sound of the actual experience. We may read all there is to know about enlightenment, empowerment and awakening, but without actually experiencing it we are simply reading and relating a story.

The gift of the intellect is that it acts as a gatekeeper to deeper knowledge. By understanding at an intellectual level we give permission and allow ourselves to explore a more dedicated level of experience.

For all intents and purposes intellectual recognition affords us two things: the ability to see that a certain path will lead us somewhere and a certain level of confidence in our ability to manifest this direction. This is a level of vision and insight which by its very realization provides us with the opportunity to recognize ability. It is ultimately the confidence and insight which comes from this which allows us to move.

Intellectual recognition will lead many of us to taking the first steps to experiential, physical and spiritual recognition. For some it will be the first step, for others a foundation of faith or inspiration may provide the base in which to move. What is important is that we learn to use this energy in a way to sustain the direction of our consciousness. It is this continuity of direction, intention and energies that ultimately creates and manifests our life in a way that is meaningful.


A Journey of Circles – Unlocking the Mysteries of our Karma and Past Lives

Becoming masters of our own spiritual destiny requires just that – that we be masters. This means moving our consciousness more and more in the direction of listening to our own inner voice, developing our psychic senses, knowledge and wisdom – all the faculties that provide us with the ability to make our own choices. It’s about being responsible for our own choices, progress, knowledge and intuiting. It means being in control of seeking.

It’s important to differentiate between learning and acknowledging teachers and placing all our faith in teachers and outside knowledge. It needs to be remembered that all beings have their own path and even when this path is one of teaching and sharing knowledge, it is expressed in a particular way that is specific to that being’s own journey. Tools and techniques can be given and knowledge can be imparted on how to integrate information, however the feeling of it must be done and experienced ourselves. Furthermore it is the actual process of learning to trust our own power and wisdom that opens the way for communication and a relationship with our true self. During this process we develop the ability to listen and speak, mutual trust born from learning to give and take and understanding and respect.

For a “teacher” to transcend their own ego’s need for adoration from students they must recognize that a “student” is only passing through. In this the teacher gains the opportunity to confront their own ego at the juncture where it is most powerful and in moving through the illusion of this power they find real empowerment.

At the same time as the student learns that no teacher or being can bring them liberation if they do not take the steps themselves, the teacher is also learning that no student or being can bring them power if they do not realize this power themselves. This journey of learning is a weaving and twisting, shape shifting movement of mind, body and spirit that at its depths reveals the true teacher which is always within ourselves. In looking for the lessons in every moment and place we follow the leads, the flows and spaces and find this inner teacher. For a time consciousness makes sense. Then it is lost as a new expansion occurs and the grasping mind recognizes that the unknown has met what was for a time familiar. Stretching the mind once again we come to know the unknown intimately and once again there is integration. This weave of chaos becoming order then back again is a gift that allows us to understand the real essence of integration, unity and connectedness. The journey at times may seem infinite, but realization occurs to the one taking the journey, not the journey itself. As our consciousness learns to see itself, it begins to understand that each step has removed a thread of division that separates perception from truth. The journey has come full circle.


Spiritual Integration

Integrating spiritual realities into our lives requires at least in principle two things. The first is to send our consciousness through the window that opens and allows exploration of the spiritual realms and then we must train our physical body to experience and open up to this reality. Developing the psychic senses is a clear way to look through the dimensional windows, but in many ways this is simply the gathering of knowledge. The opportunity that a psychic sense such as clairvoyance offers us is to see clearly and truly how energy and entities are interacting and so understand how to affect the result. Likewise a skill such as clairaudience allows us to listen to the guidance of entities and energies and so understand how to create and manifest in a particular direction. The development of these skills is not by any means mandatory for spiritual development, they are simply extra tools for enhancing the journey. All of us have the ability to feel and observe and this is the most important principle of all.

In seeking peak experiences, spiritual realizations and empowerment we are actually seeking union with the true self. The true self is the peak, it is empowerment and it is spiritual realization. The process of observing and feeling allows us to move through the layers that obscure the true self from perception. This is the experience of realization and it is also the experience of true peace. When it comes down to it, it may be said that what we are truly seeking is inner peace and although the paths to realizing this experience are often different the principle is always the same. It is about meeting each atom of experience and allowing it to be exactly as it is. This reality of allowing an internal experience to be exactly as it is, is the energy of peace. We feel and perceive any particular energy and we do nothing. In doing nothing we allow these entities or energies to be exactly as they are. We ask nothing of them and so they experience peace and that peace is being formed and realized from within us. It is being created and shaped within us. The reason why we train our minds to become formless is so that we can take the shape of whatever form is manifested within us. When we hold our form there is a clash as two forms meet. When we allow our form to move and shift then there is no clash, only peace. As our consciousness is directed to connect with more and more energies and is given the opportunity to create peace, less fear arises simply because we know that we can meet and experience whatever comes our way. Without fear our mind and body becomes clear. Through this clarity the experience of our true self becomes effortless and furthermore because the experience has come through directly connecting with everything that comes our way integration occurs at the deepest levels of our being. There is no gap between spiritual and “normal.”

Since the accelerated way is through developing the psychic senses and then turning them within, we need to be aware of times when the development of these senses requires balancing with the physical body grounding and integration. In short I would recommend at least 3 times a week practicing grounding work. The essence of grounding work is connecting to the physical body, feeling and observing it and bringing the mind fully into it. The easiest way is to just observe the body during physical movement. Anything from walking, doing the dishes, showering or doing up your shoe laces. Observe your posture, the way you hold your weight and balance. Notice and objectively observe any physical tension and areas of relaxation. All physical manifestations are connections to consciousness and it is through these connections that the mind integrates with the body. The process of experiencing the physical and alternately experiencing the spiritual and subtle allows the realization of a consciousness that is expanded. Directing the mind to move between the spiritual, mental and physical provides the opportunity to observe the movement, the landscape and the spaces interwoven beneath and through these elements. Within these spaces and flows exist the essences that connect spirit, mind and the physical. Experiencing these paths of power allow us to find a unity between what we have previously perceived and experienced to be separate levels of consciousness. This unity and integration opens up the experience of spirit within the body, the physical within the mind and the mind through the spirit.

Integration is where real empowerment exists because it brings the experience back home to where we live. It is perhaps the most sustainable and realistic means of spiritual life because it does not seek to leave a single iota of being behind. All is met, the dark, the light, the ego, the personality and the higher self. With each meeting there is an opportunity for mastery through the experience of looking straight in the eye of whatever energy it is that exists there. We feel and choose to be open and the feeling and experience is allowed to be as it is. What is gained is a consciousness that is opening to a realization of truth.


The Quickening – The Acceleration of Spiritual Evolution and Consciousness on Planet Earth

The Quickening is a phenomena being used particularly in spiritual circles to describe a building of energy toward a particular destination. This build up of energy could be compared to the build up of an audience before a rock concert or the gathering of energy as an athlete or groups of athletes prepare for an event. In this case the Quickening refers to the direction of the planet’s group consciousness as a whole. This is not to say that it is everyone’s destiny. It is more to say that this is where the biggest “waves” are happening at this part of the galaxy.

The Quickening or for that matter any acceleration of energy is about pressure. It is simply a build of momentum and direction. Spirit refers to a subtler energy and because it is subtler it is able to penetrate into more substances. For example if we were to look at a stone: it’s energy is quite dense it’s structure is unable to mix with dirt very well. Spiritual energy refers to an energy that is finer than air – it is able to mix with and infuse with dirt, stones, humans, this planet and the kitchen sink. For this reason spiritual energy is said to be everywhere and in everything. This is also congruent with the practice of raising our vibration. What we are actually doing is making our density finer. The finer or subtler we are capable of becoming the more options we have to move our consciousness around the place. We also gain the opportunity to shift into a different dimension which is essentially what the Quickening is about.

Alchemy describes everything as being on the path to the original Source – give or take a couple of scenic routes and rest stops. Being true to ourselves seems to minimize the rests stops, decrease time spent in areas that aren’t congruent with the our truth and generally accelerate our journey toward the Source. This is expressed on this planet as more people wanting to realize life purpose, have meaningful relationships and generally waste less time experiencing things that have little meaning to us. This would also be the reason why interest in personal development, spiritual growth and so on is becoming more popular. When people are unsatisfied they either put up with it or look for answers. The growing trend in interest towards personal and spiritual development means that there are more people looking for answers. The really interesting thing is that people are finding them. There was a time where the personal and spiritual development field was looking a little flaky. There was a lot that seemed like pure fantasy and other stuff that people just found too difficult to integrate into their daily lives. The desire for methods which were effective and applicable for everyone, began to manifest the resources that we have available today. In truth the door to the higher self, spiritual realization, emotional mastery and effortless manifestation has always been there for everyone. It is just that understanding how to open that door is becoming easier and simpler. This too is something that is becoming more obvious as we seek to be true to ourselves.

There is a period of adapting where the body and mind in general is “stretching” and getting used to accommodating the expansion of consciousness. The body is learning to be open to the finer and faster frequencies of energy. This energy has always been available to us – the ears and eyes of our body and mind are just learning to see and hear it. It’s part of our truth and so as we seek our truth it is revealed. Energy is a communication – a cause and effect. Whether dense or subtle all energy interacts. Our body and mind is simply learning to interact at another level. We are adding another dimension to our consciousness. We are not necessarily detracting or diminishing the denser realities – we are simply adding more. Hence the term expanded consciousness.

Having issues within relationships, workplaces and so on is not always directly the issue with being true to ourselves – more to the point it is the perception that we are unable to experience certain truths while in those relationships or workplaces. Sometimes we may need to close those doors in order to open up others. Sometimes we may need to work with what and where we are in order to gain the wisdom which is inherent in all experiences. This enables us to experience a part of ourselves that perhaps had been hidden. The external world of experience leads us to the internal world of cause and effect.

Work with this exercise for adaptation to the Quickening:

Observe yourself. Notice your posture, breathing, thoughts and emotions.

Let the thoughts, feelings and emotions come at you as fast as they need.

Grasp nothing. Allow all that comes to ebb flow.

Invite it to come faster. Seek to comprehend nothing. Let comprehension come and go.

Let thought and feeling, sight and sound to move through you at the speed of light.

Intellectualize nothing. Let ideas, thoughts and inspiration come and go.

Let go of letting go.

Allow yourself to be open to the full acceleration of consciousness.

This method is seemingly the opposite of the detailed investigation which occurs in deep observation. In actual practice they are the same. Acceleration and deceleration of energy is happening simultaneously in our consciousness. By specifically following the path of acceleration we are simply directing the mind to one specific stream of what exists in the consciousness. When we come back to our “normal” consciousness we find that our range of motion has lengthened and expanded. It’s all about stretching the mind. With each stretch we explore new knowledge and ground, moving closer and closer to inner freedom. This is what the Quickening is truly about.


*Those of us who are experiencing tumultuous times may notice that this exercise helps to create a feeling and aura of inner peace – in spite of the chaos. In essence this is because the practice tunes us into the frequency of the Quickening. We are connecting and moving with the flow instead of resisting it.

Way of the Shape Shifter – The Secrets of the Shamans

The power in practicing shape shifting is in training our minds to become more than what they believe they can be. The object of shifting is not so important as much as the experiences learned from the shifting.

For example, to imagine and feel that we are a dog we need to let go of certain attachments. We need to expand and focus our imagination. We need to stretch our mind to areas it is unfamiliar with. We contend with feelings of ridiculousness, feelings of doubt. In the face of these resistances we have the opportunity to train and strengthen our visualization and focus and ability to flow.

Beginners on the spiritual path often say that they want to connect to spirit but don’t know where to start – the way seems to elude them. Why not then start with what eludes us? Shape shifting directs our mind to become what it has trouble fathoming. It is the same with spirit.

There is always something more. The conscious mind believes it has seen it all – it becomes complacent then asks why meaning is lacking or why the answers don’t add up. Stretching the mind is the way to keep the mind growing.

Emotions and feelings are what make us who we are. Our decisions come from the desire to fulfill these emotions and feelings.

All these attachments are like various shapes – they come through us and in order to move through we must make ourselves into the appropriate shape or form – then they can move through.
Remember what mind mastery is. It is the ability to move the mind, stop the mind, focus the mind and imagine. What does shape-shifting teach us? It teaches us these very things.

A mind that has stopped does not believe that it can move beyond what it believes “reality” to be. Shape shifting shows the mind that concentrated imagination can surpass what we believe reality is.

Most people have never tried shape shifting before. The very idea seems ludicrous. A perfect training ground for developing mastery. If we do not learn to move beyond the voices of doubt and ridicule within, then we will never master ourselves. Learn to move past the inner doubt and external world critics will have no power over you either.

The power of shape-shifting comes from learning the principles behind how to become many forms. When we understand the principle, we realize that the form itself is not important and we become formless. Each shape we shift into teaches us to let go of who we currently believe ourselves to be and become something that we have always believed we are not. We train to make the impossible possible.

The exact same principles are used in mastering emotions. We become fixed in emotions because we believe that this is all that is possible. When we understand how to stretch what is possible our belief is changed. It is the same with anything that we believe we can’t do – but once we’ve done it again and again then we know without a doubt that we can.

It is all mind.

Work with this exercise:

Pick an object – any object at all.

Focus on it and imagine yourself becoming it.

Feel how you imagine it feels.

“See” how you imagine it would “see”.

“Hear” how you imagine it would “hear.”

If this is the first time you have done it and this exercise eludes you then this is a good sign! It shows that your mind is striving to comprehend something that it presently cannot – it means you are stretching it. Simply keep going with the exercise. Let your doubts be as they are and just focus on the object. Allow the main bulk of your mind as much as possible to be on the object. What ever your level is with this exercise – it is working. Your imagination is being activated, your focus is being exercised – your mind is learning to move.

Observe the object with all your senses.

What is it’s texture?

How does it’s structure feel?

Move your mind into it. Feel the depth and density of it.

Feel and observe the detail of it.

Observe any images, any impressions that you feel or see. Acknowledge them and continue to observe the object.

Become one with it.

Allow yourself to surrender to the merging.

The more regularly you practice this the easier it will become. Remember that what is important is not your doubts about the exercise but whether you continue to focus and imagine anyway.

We can practice shape shifting anywhere. On the train, bus, sitting at home. I’d suggest not doing it while driving a car – states of consciousness can shift rapidly and dramatically with this technique.

Be creative. Practice with people, inanimate objects, tangible and intangible. It’s about training our mind to realize that it is more than it currently believes. This realization increases our ability to act, to create and manifest in spite of doubts and insecurities.

If you have wondered why certain avenues, opportunities or mind states seemed unavailable to you, the practice of shape shifting will open your eyes and mind to understanding why and furthermore allow you to achieve these things.


Opening to Deep Spiritual Experiences and Insight

This world that we live in is accelerating at the level of intellectual information. We seek to understand and many of us believe that intellectual understanding is the highest level of understanding. The truth is that intellectual understanding is a very shallow level of understanding. It only requires the understanding of some concepts and ideas and then it is finished. No further action is required. On the other hand physical understanding is very deep. It requires action at the physical and cellular level of the body.

The reason that spiritual development has received such bad publicity over the years in mainstream circles is because it has a reputation for existing only at the intellectual level of understanding. In short, without seeing any tangible benefits people have been quick to dismiss it as lacking practicality in the ‘real world.’ This is simply a result of only receiving a small piece of the picture.

Spirit is part of the consciousness, just as the physical and the mind is part of the consciousness. If any of these elements is left out of the practice, then the practice is incomplete and therefore on any of the respective planes of existence it will lack “practicality.”

What this means is that spirit must have a real practical connection to the physical world, the mind must have a real and logical understanding and connection to the spirit and the mind must have a real and practical connection to the body. This is how we can use our complete consciousness.

Scientists have speculated for some time that human beings only use 10% or less of their brains and the reason for this is the separation of these mind, body and spirit connections. When they are in place then access to the remaining 90% becomes readily available. This expansion opens up the dormant faculties of human mind, but it is in truth only the beginning of a vast journey of consciousness evolution.


Transcending Separation

The primary message of the Asharem is to transcend separation – to perceive the bridge that exists between objects, emotions, people, energy and the universe. The ability to bend time and space exists here and now within consciousness – it simply needs to be directed.

The very intellect that we humans prize so much is the very same intellect that holds us from achieving this. With intellectual power comes ego and ego exists to believe that it is superior and righteous. True power exists regardless of intellect or ego. All it requires is understanding. The intellect would have us believe that deep understanding exists at the intellectual level and through deduction and concept. It is this very intellect that we have discovered to only utilize 10% or less of our capacities. Utilizing the whole consciousness is not about simply pushing the intellect – it is about activating other sources and faculties of understanding and perception.

The intellect will only lead us within patterns that it understands. Super expanded consciousness does not require initial understanding – it reaches out and grasps new knowledge knowing that it may in fact take the intellect months or years to integrate the information. There will be some experiences that the intellect may never understand.

It is this type of leap and expansion that is required to transcend separation. The intellect that has not experienced transcendence has no chance of understanding how enlightenment and ignorance can exist in the very same atom – just as it cannot understand how to transform a diseased cell into a completely healthy and vital one. The information that is required for the intellect to understand this process is the very same information that is gained through leaping and expanding into this very new territory. It is only later when the intellect is able to work with new faculties of perception that everything makes sense. It is at this point that intellect, spirit, body and emotion are unified. This is what it means to transcend separation.



Bi-location is the ability of the consciousness to be in different locations at the same time. This ability is trained by guiding the consciousness to understand that location is simply an illusion. It is this principle that allows healers to shift disease into pure health instantly or soul projectors to travel through the planes of the Astral at will. The ‘secret’ to making this process work in the physical world is to train the consciousness in the physical plane – it is that simple.

Practitioners who merely train the intellectual or mental aspect of bi-location cannot manifest physical effects for the simple reason that the physical body has not been trained. It is the density of the physical that provides the specific organic understanding that is required for manifesting physical bi-location. This is the difference between visualizing energy flowing within the body and actually feeling the energy flowing in the body. The former occurs at a subtler level of density and the latter occurs at a more solid level. The more ‘solid’ or physical the level of density the more the mind is required to ‘transcend’ or become the ‘bridge’ to linking mind and body.

This is the link between mind, body and spirit that all masters throughout time have spoken about. This is the “illusion” that needs to be dissolved – and when it occurs at the very visceral, organic level of the physical body, then “miracles” can occur. The old guides and ways of learning don’t necessarily need to be discarded, they simply need to be seen as stepping stones to higher potential and unlimited evolution. We need to give ourselves permission to break all the spiritual laws and rules because it is only then that we allow ourselves to truly understand that spiritual truth and understanding can exist even in spite of all rules and laws being broken. It is this principle that allows bi-location to occur.


Activated Energy Structures

The energy structures of the human body became de-activated through the Karmic links to Atlantis and before this the forces of Orion and those beyond the Infinity Gates. The Kundalini path flowed naturally within the human body connecting the 6th plane energies with those of the 3rd, 4th and 5th seamlessly. The breath aligned the energies of the main chakras through the central tube and these communicated with all aspects of the body which were fully conscious and sentient.

It was a lack of energetic ‘resistance’ that allowed us to be transmuted and genetically altered in such a way that we were effectively severed from our original spiritual heritage. This source is the call that many people feel and hear within themselves but it is only an echo of what it should be.

It is our spiritual brethren – effectively ‘those that got away,’ that are flooding the planet with the knowledge and energy to reintegrate the structures necessary for remembering and understanding. Ancient ways of understanding how to bridge and rebuild esoteric and metaphysical structures are being given the opportunity to evolve and be re-evaluated as new faculties for perceiving are being brought to bear.

Up until now we have been using the 5 senses and expanding these to realize the psychic and the intuitive. The new activations are offering to bring us beyond even the 36 strand DNA and into a further 45 strands. This opens the way to fully completing both the gold, red and purple Kundalini channels as well as linking the higher plane Illion chakras into the central tube. These activations bring into use 7 new senses of perception which will open our being to understanding a far deeper realm of consciousness than it can currently imagine.
