Category Archives: Emotional Healing

Techniques and principles for healing the emotions through mind, body and spirit.

Esoteric Alchemy

Esoteric Alchemy is the study and understanding of cause and effect. By learning how to move our mind and consciousness in and out of reality, mind, body and spirit we gain the ability to shift and transform energy and therefore reality.

The art of Esoteric Alchemy begins by learning to trace the paths of reality as they are. Through experiencing these paths and being guided through the doorways that lie within each path, we learn how to discover reality as it is not. Once again we learn to trace these paths. We experience and then are guided through the doorways that allow us to understand how reality as it is not can exist. We learn the rules and how they relate to the rules of our own reality. We experience the opposing “tensions” that allow contradiction to exist.

As the body and mind is guided to experience multiple, contradictory and tangential realities and experiences, the consciousness is directed and made to expand. Training in Esoteric Alchemy is facilitated by pulsing or directing frequencies through specific “gates.” These gates are the waypoints of the personality as it exists at both the conscious and sub-conscious levels. In some ways it is similar to having a good rapport. There is a reciprocal communication happening and we understand how to feed into the conversation. Esoteric Alchemy takes this to an energetic level. The results are that clients can be taken on guided tours with their Higher Self, group astral projection journeys, shown directly how to heal and remove emotional blocks and turn on and off psychic senses.

The main advantages to developing Esoteric Alchemy with a partner or teacher is that the teacher’s role is to watch the inter-changing energies and direct the energies that are needed to facilitate shifts. The client or other partner’s intellectual mind need not be involved to a great extent and for the most part they are able to simply experience the trip. The benefits are much like being a passenger in a car. We are able to see how to get back there as well as take in the little details. The other advantage with a teacher of course is that they will have been there to a far greater depth and will be able to know exactly what is needed to move further, to return and to facilitate intellectual, emotional and physical comprehension of what has occurred.

It is important that the partner or client who is developing their consciousness in this way is given the appropriate support. Awareness, knowledge and experience is one thing, being able to accept and reconcile the experiences is another. Both are necessary in order to sustain inner peace, happiness and a sense of empowerment. Grounding meditation and stretching are two of the easiest methods to facilitate harmonious integration, but those of us interested in serious development would benefit from working with acupressure and meridian therapy, transpersonal psycho-therapists and experienced healers and meditation therapists. This being said if you are keen to explore the basics of Alchemical Healing find a willing partner and begin to play with some of the various energetic techniques that have been outlined in this site in previous articles. Here are some tips for practice:

Only practice with a willing partner.

Bring yourself to a centered and grounded state of mind. Experiment with the difference in practice when you do not center yourself first.

Take your time scanning and observing the inner energy of your partner.

When ever you “remove” an energy make sure to “replace” it with a new energy or the old pattern will return. You may prefer to think of the whole process as transforming the energy.

At the end of the session bring yourself back to a centered state. Clean and clear your energy body and mind. Experiment with how it feels if you do not clear your consciousness. Observe the differences in energy and overall body feel.

These are basic guidelines for Esoteric Alchemy. The practices themselves are developed in a similar way as any relationship of communication is developed – time and practice. Smooth, articulate speech and rapid understanding, the ability to communicate in other “languages” through learning other techniques and being guided through journeys – all of this comes through experience and immersing ourselves in deeper wells of understanding.


How to Transcend Anxiety

Anxiety is the fear that we cannot cope with our perception of reality. Logically everything may (or may not!) seem totally fine, but internally we are seeing through a dimension that we feel we cannot handle with capability. The trick to conquering anxiety is to train ourselves to realize that regardless of it’s existence, deep empowerment still exists. This seeming contradiction creates a gap in the illusion being: “I am anxious.” After all who am I? Transcendence, moving the mind, dissolving the illusion – all of these show the mind that there is more to “I” than it had previously believed. In that moment “Wham! The cycle begins to change.”

Work this exercise:

Observe your body.

Feel the way your anxiety sits in your body.

Feel the shape of it.

Observe the way your mind, body and thoughts are reacting to the sensation of anxiety.

Allow the sensation of anxiety to be as it is. Observe.

Allow your thoughts to come and go as they please – whatever they may be. Simply observe.

Now allowing the anxiety to be as it is, observe the observer.

Shift your consciousness so that more of it is observing the observer than the anxiety. Simply allow the anxiety to be as it is.


Notice how the observer simply allows the anxiety to be. It requires nothing. It just is.

Notice how the observer simply allows your thoughts to be. It requires nothing. Whether fast, slow, critical or neutral the observer simply watches.

Now imagine a feeling of capability and strength existing. Use the faculty of the observer to notice how this deeply capable consciousness feels.

Move your consciousness into this feeling of capability. Allow the observer to be. Allow the anxiety to be. Listen to the feeling of genuine capability.

Observe how this inner strength is able to exist simultaneously with any thoughts and sensations of anxiety.

Observe the effortless consciousness that is able to move, breathe, and be empowered regardless of feelings of anxiety, ridicule or doubt. It is there you simply need to find it.

Look, listen, imagine and feel. Stretch your mind. Expand your consciousness. Give yourself permission to explore.

The opportunity to transcend anxiety only exists when we allow anxiety to exist as it is. As soon as we suppress it we deny ourselves the opportunity to move through it. Remember that transcendence means to see through the illusion. The illusion being that anxiety has us trapped. When we experience that empowerment and deep capability can exist simultaneously with anxiety then we break the illusion. In this moment anxiety has changed – because the mind has changed. It’s like learning to climb a fence. The fence is the same, but it no longer blocks our journey because we have learnt to get past it.

The principle behind this exercise is the same as the principle behind any emotional healing technique. We must guide the mind to transcend the belief that we are disempowered in the presence of any thought, feeling or emotion. Working through the various blueprints of various emotions allows us to understand the principles. There are of course other methods of working through anxiety, or any emotional mind state for that matter. Breathing, chakras and energetic methods all work and some accelerate the process more or less than others. In my opinion the essential thing is to teach the mind to transcend energy states. This is what allows us to go beyond technique and instead of being reliant on certain criteria we understand how to be free and empowered in any situation.

Be conscious that developing the ability to connect to empowerment will get to the point where anxiety feels like nothing. It’s tempting at this point to let go of remaining aware of the sensations and residues of anxiety, and simply connect to empowerment – but as patterns tend to work in cycles, a time may well come where anxiety returns. This is simply because the mind has not yet transcended the fear of anxiety. This fear keeps the mind attached to the belief that we cannot free ourselves from it. Getting to the root of fear requires that we remain vigilant. We must remain conscious always. To prevent this from feeling like a prudish chore, develop consciousness with the essence of effortlessness capability and freedom. After all these are the essentials of self-mastery.


From Stagnation to Motivation

Breathing is one of the easiest ways to bring change to the energy of stagnation and apathy. Breathing elicits a physical movement through the body, consciousness of actual movement and flow – which is of course the opposite of stagnation.

Work with this exercise:

Breathe in slowly and deeply. Imagine yourself breathing from your stomach area. Of course we don’t actually breath from the stomach but allowing the muscles there to initiate the movement of the diaphragm is what we’re looking for.

*As a note – breathing efficiently means we take less breaths per minute, one of the advantages of this is that we use less energy to get more energy. Practitioners of breathing such as qigong or pranayama will commonly learn to breathe at a rate of 4 or 5 breaths a minute. Efficient breathing in itself will allow us to channel more energy into motivation as well as bring this energy deeper into our cells.

Breathe deeply and work with the intention of easy, effortless breath.

Look for the genuine feeling of energy and flow within the deep breath.

We want to imagine this feeling flowing through our cells, muscles, brains and organs.

Don’t struggle with the feelings of apathy or stagnation. Just let them be. Save your energy for infusing the feelings of flow and energy moving.

Let your mind follow the energy to the deepest reaches of your cells.

Listen for the feeling and level of deepest nourishment within the breath.

You should start to feel a vibrancy echoing in your body. It may start small or it may be dramatic. These are the embers of movement that we start with. Continue to breathe and focus this energy into the body until you feel that the energy has surpassed that of stagnation and apathy.

Eventually we can bypass the breathing altogether and simply connect to the exact same feeling that we get. It is after all the mind that is connecting to the energy. This is interesting because it is proven that the body and brain need oxygen for energy, but it is through the connection of the mind to specific frequencies of energy such as the one we’ve worked with here that it becomes possible to connect and maintain a sense of energy signatures without using breath as a conduit. One of the advantages of using mind over breathing is that the mind learns to transcend reliance on the breath for mind states. It learns to become flexible and move at the direction of our will.

An extension of this exercise is valuable for developing the mind/energy connection:

Take a few slow, full, deep breaths.

Listen for the genuine feeling of energy within the breath. Feel for the aspects that nourish the body and mind.

Breath in. Hold you breath for a few moments and imagine that feeling of energy is still being inhaled into your body.

Exhale, and when exhaling imagine that the feeling of energy is being inhaled into you body. Feel it infusing your mind and cells.

Externally the breath is the usual inhale and exhale. Mentally the breath is continuous – it is a steady, effortless stream of energy.

Practicing this exercise continuously for 5 minutes can feel like total nourishment and refreshment for the mind and body.

The advantage of using breath is that we are physically coordinating our body and mind. This coordination gives us an object to focus on which is tangible. The breath allows connection to energy. The mind learns to imagine and through imagination to infuse with energetic properties. We then learn to move past the external limitations of inhale/exhale by drawing continuous streams of energy.

Practice working with this exercise for a few minutes the moment you wake in the morning, it will bring new energy and motivation to your day. If stagnation and apathy has been a long-standing practice, then great benefits can be had from keeping 10% of the mind focused on connecting with the breath and particularly the energy within the breath from morning until evening. Usually a dramatic shift will be experienced in a few days of doing this.


The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is the key to realizing abundance. It is literally the ability to infuse everything that we see, hear, feel, smell and taste with the energy of appreciation. This energy integrates with and through all our gates of perception and through this connection our external world begins to reflect our realization of abundance.

Before going on let’s get one thing straight. Gratitude has nothing to do with guilt. Guilt is guilt. Gratitude is gratitude. The truth of it is simple:

Guilt is feeling like we should be thankful.

Gratitude is feeling thankful.

Gratitude is about appreciation. It’s about actually enjoying and loving the experiences that we are having. The power of gratitude works by bringing power, beauty and greatness to everything that we have now.

Let’s use the example of the body and mind conduit being like a sponge. If we do something out of guilt then it is basically guilt that is filling the sponge. Sure our actions and words may seem all politically correct and “right” but our inner being is not doing it out of gratitude, and so the “sponge” gets filled with the frequency of obligation and guilt.

On the other hand if we begin to listen for the genuine feeling of gratitude and allow our minds and bodies to connect with this feeling, then the “sponge” will be filled with this feeling. In the process each cell of our body will begin to realize a feeling that we appreciate it. This is something that is actually experienced – it is felt and it is an amazing gift to allow yourself to experience.

The frequency of gratitude is powerful because it supports, nurtures and enhances who you are.

When you allow the frequency of gratitude to touch your sight, your ears, your feeling, taste and smell – what you are doing is appreciating yourself. You are thanking yourself for giving you the opportunity to touch, taste, smell, feel, think and hear. You are infusing appreciation through yourself.

Life purpose is deeply meaningful to us and so will always be connected to inspiration, passion and love. These are the feelings that for many of us make life worth living. It is the polar opposite of a life which is lived only to fulfill obligation and avoid guilt and shame. Life purpose and gratitude go hand in hand because every moment that we live our purpose is enjoyed and inspired. As an extension each moment is a moment we are grateful to be able to share and this is illustrated in the expression our essence. Gratitude is not something that needs to be forced. It is something we experience willingly and joyfully. We feel inspired and we genuinely desire to express our gratitude for it.

Gratitude is pure pleasure – it has to be. It comes from really, really appreciating things in life and this will always feel good.

The essence of experiencing gratitude is simple: take time to connect to it. Train the mind to find genuine gratitude regardless of all the other aspects of self that exist. Keep refining the sensitivity of the mind to find deeper levels of genuineness. “Listen” and feel for it at the cellular level of the body and mind.

It really is as simple as that, but it only actually works when we do it.

Life can be heaven or it can be hell – it depends on what we feed into ourselves. Playing the guilt and shame game will always lead to pain. It is an endless circus of running around trying to avoid it, but being caught in the vicious cycle of it. Gratitude is a cycle of reward and healing. As we express gratitude to our mind and body, it reflects gratitude back to us. This relationship with ourselves is one of the most powerful we can know.


The Way of Manifestation Part 4 – Listening

The way of listening moves us into a subtler realm of manifestation. It is a skill that allows us to to develop and fine tune the principles of realization. Mastering listening really begins to open the doors to creating reality. We begin with affirmations of what we want. Vocally at first. Then in our minds. Silently expressing the affirmation and command. Up until this point we are working with the positive expression. Now we listen for the affirmation.

Work with this:

Silently express the command “Vibrant Health.”

Now listen for the echo of the command.

Remember that the affirmation already exists. We are training our minds to hear something that has already been created. Whether we initially hear the command or not, we continue to listen and in doing so we train our minds to become sharper. In time it will learn to distinguish and tune into the frequency of the affirmation. This is the basis of auditory realization. Similar training is found in the development of clairaudience, finding the eternal “OM” and connecting to “spiritual tones” for dimensional shifting.

We want to be intimately familiar with the difference between mentally projecting a sound and listening to a sound that already exists.

What is required is dynamic focus and enough trust to know that the sound does exist. We need to sustain our discipline and focus in order to move past doubts that the process is not working. This is particularly important in the beginning.

It may require imagination at first to bridge the gap between what you currently believe and what is possible. This separation or gap is caused by the beliefs of the mind. Imagination is what gets the mind to move past those beliefs. In time the object of imagination becomes more tangible to the mind and begins to shift into our reality. We learn to hear what has always been there.

Developing the skill of finding that middle point between listening for the sounds we desire and surrendering is what we require. It is not a full letting go – remember the example of the paper plane. We give just enough power for the plane to glide, not too much or it will clash with the air. We let it go but keep our minds with the plane. Focus on it.

Let’s work with this exercise a bit more. Using the example of health begin by vocalizing at your usual speaking volume the affirmation: “I am in vibrant health.”

Say it a few times to get accustomed to it.

Then say it silently in your mind. Don’t worry too much if your mind starts saying other things. The mind is like that – it always has a come back, don’t be concerned.

Now listen for the affirmation. Don’t express it with the mind – just listen for it. If your mind has lots of thoughts and other voices just let them be and go deeper. The affirmation may be quiet or loud, subtle or obvious.

We are listening for the genuine affirmation that requires no input from ourselves other than to listen. The affirmation already exists. Don’t let the mind fool you that it does not. It is there.

Again don’t be concerned with whether the process is working or not working, whether you are doing it right or not. This is the beauty of listening and realization. Simply by looking out for it you are doing it right. It is the listening and the looking that is being trained here – so as long as you are doing this, which you are, then you are doing it right.

Allow the genuine affirmation to unfold for you in it’s own time. It will become clearer as we find that balance between not struggling with the mind and putting out a beacon or feeler for the sound.

To coordinate affirmations with the visual and kinesthetic senses means that they work together. The visual sees us having achieved the desire here and now. The kinesthetic sense feels the emotions and feelings that we will feel. The auditory sense hears the affirmations of success.

Manifestation is a balance of action and letting it happen. It is the subtleties that make the difference. Listening for affirmations that are already there trains us to understand that what we seek already exists. Listening in itself requires us to let it happen. The very instant that we realize that something already exists we cease struggling to make it happen. Why struggle for vibrant health when we allow our bodies and minds to realize the existence of it here and now? This is the moment when we allow that reality to come to us.
Struggle merely affirms that the reality of vibrant health does not exist. It affirms what we do not have. Realization on the other hand is literally an opening of our eyes to what already exists. The mind realizes, the body realizes and the entire process is an affirmation that vibrant health already exists.

As we listen for the affirmations and commands that support our goals we draw that reality to us. As we listen for the affirmations and commands that limit our goals we draw that reality to us. The freedom to choose either is simply a matter of learning to listen and develop dynamic and flexible focus.

The practice of listening is one of the most effective ways to familiarize the mind to the reality of the law of attraction. If the practice has given elusive results before, it may be because contained within the process has been the affirmation of lack. What this basically means is that if we are struggling, then what we are actually manifesting is that achievement of this result is to be a struggle. If we are craving a particular result, then what we are manifesting is that we crave a particular result. It’s a pretty dirty catch 22 huh? But not to worry. The art of listening takes care of the situation.


The Alchemy of Anger – Transforming the Energy of Anger into Empowerment

Healing and empowerment through anger is realized when we are able to connect with anger where it exists. This is infinitely different from the reaction that we usually have to anger. We usually “manage” anger by repressing it or releasing it. As a result we fear anger as opposed to being empowered by it. Today we will be discussing a method to shape our minds in such a way that we channel the frequency of anger to nourish and support our body and mind.

The desire to repress or release anger comes from our aversion to this particular frequency. Our minds have developed patterns of management that have also formed ideologies. It has become normal for us to either criticize the world that seems to make us angry or to criticize ourselves. Or we simply choose to deny the fact that we are angry at all and repress the emotion. These patterns occur because we have an aversion to the feeling of anger. It is as much a physical reaction to the biochemical reaction as it is a mental and intellectual reaction.

Learning to become empowered through our anger requires a training on the physical as well as mental level.

When we can coordinate our mind with the frequency of anger a shift takes place. We learn to move into the embodied manifestation of anger consciously and we gain the ability to channel it’s energy with 100% purpose and focus. It becomes an energy which can be use creatively and consciously, as opposed to the usual reaction of repressing or releasing. The two principles are at opposites. One is a rejection of the frequency of anger – the other is an embracing. Ironically through embracing anger we actually become free of the usual negatively associated symptoms of anger. Instead we learn to use it’s energy for nourishment, inspiration and conscious action.

Connecting consciously with the frequency of anger is a different path from that which most of us are accustomed. We have not been trained to do it, we also have beliefs about the rights and wrongs of anger. Many of us will already have an aversion to the mere word “anger”. Practicing the method outlined here will aid in healing the many beliefs and wounds we have developed around anger.

Work with this exercise:

Begin by observing your body. Pay attention to how it feels.

Begin to think about the things which seem unjust and wrong.

Give yourself permission to complain, rant and rage. What is it that is wrong with the world? How have you been wronged?

How have you wronged yourself?

Think about the things that you would stand up for.

Who is the part of you that would fight for what is right? Who is the part of you that would protect your family? Your friends?

Give yourself permission to feel the reflections of anger within.

Is there hate? Revulsion? Observe how they feel in your body.

Take how ever long you need to connect with this feeling. If it should fade simply find that place again.

We are not forcing anger to arise. We are simply feeling for the frequency however light or subtle it may be – however hidden or strong it may be.

At the volume of a deep breath allow yourself to say “ah.”

Allow the pitch of the “ah” to rise and match the pitch or frequency of the anger. We are not aiming at volume but intensity. It may become like a silent roar or scream.

If your face or body feels like expressing, let it express.

Connect the “ah” to the frequency and feeling of anger.

Give yourself permission to really let it out.

Stop making the sound and simply observe the sensations of your body. Observe where the anger was manifesting and notice the feeling of it.

Allow your consciousness to touch it.

How does it feel?

Has it changed at all?

Move through and into it. Observing how the feeling feels physically in your body.

And again begin the silent roar.

Really put yourself into it!

It’s best to explore and find the pitch of the intensity for yourself but here’s a tip if you’re feeling lost. Most people feel anger as a very high vibration in their heads. It is also reported as feeling or sounding like a roaring in the head.

Where ever or however it is, allow your consciousness to move into it.

We are training our minds to move into the fire, to become one. We learn to sit in the fire and become the fire. There is no need to fear. Become the pure energy.

Visualize yourself moving into the anger. Allow your mind to yield and become non-resistant. In it’s formless state it is able to become the shape of anger.

If you simply feel echoes of anger allow yourself to feel into these. Know that they are portals to the full experience of anger.

Come back to observing the body. Allow it to be. Allow your thoughts to be. Simply bring your mind to the feeling of the anger. Allow everything else to be as it is.

If you should visualize anything there, simply allow these sights to pass like a movie. Observe.

Good results seem to come from this practice when we alternate the silent roar with moments of observation and so on. Explore and experiment. Find what works best for you. You may also find that a different sound than “ah” works better. Go for it. The practice is about results and results are about what works for you.

In the beginning when practicing there may be fear upon entering anger, we may flinch or we may be in awe. Whatever comes up allow it to come and just continue with the focusing on the feeling of anger and the “ah.”

We feel fear because we can feel our mind stretching, expanding – we feel as if we should surely burst and erupt with anger – but we do not. We are developing the full consciousness of body and mind to feel the anger. We are developing an expanded consciousness.

Our former aversions to anger are simply a perception of the mind. When we learn to fully embrace anger with body and mind – a deep peace and power will be experienced. It is a very humbling and noble experience.
We can also observe that by opening ourselves to anger in this way we can clearly and coherently begin to understand the messages of the anger. It is telling us not what it believes is wrong – it is telling us what we believe is wrong. It is a messenger showing us how we perceive the world. We then have the opportunity to choose. Do we change the world or do we change our reactions to the world. What we have gained is the clarity to make this decision based on the unity between emotion and intellect.

Anger will stand up for the things that are important to us. It will elicit change for the things which we decide matter to us. It will stand up for the values and principles which we choose to make important.

Anger is needed when we need to to do something dramatically different. It may require us to take a good hard look at ourselves and ask what is wrong. It gives us a sign that there is something to be looked at – something to be made right.

Know that right and wrong are rules which we give meaning to – and where there is meaning there will be importance. If the principles that are right to us are violated and ignored, then anger will give us it’s message. It is asking us to take action. To change the circumstances that we are in – to transform.

We desire to feel differently. Anger gives us this opportunity.

Our reasons for change may be related to the work we do, interactions with friends or loved ones – but ultimately it is the way that we are communicating with ourselves.

One thing to keep in mind with this practice is that the implementation into daily life requires the mind and body connection to unite. We have within us a strong pattern that with anger must come release – and so when intense anger comes our body and mind react instantly. Through practice we can train our bodies to surpass the external release and we enter into the anger. By practicing on the smaller echoes of anger during solo practice, we can prepare ourselves for eventually being able to channel the energy of the larger more intense manifestations.

But remember to forgive yourself if you do at times lose yourself to anger.

While repression or projection can lead to us being a prisoner of anger – expansion of the mind leads to liberation and empowerment.

Anger is a very confronting emotion for many of us to manage let alone change our beliefs and the way we respond to it as drastically as I have outlined in this article. If we observe our usual relationship with anger however we must admit that many methodologies have not delivered us real results. We need to assess what works and what does not if we are to get where we want to go in this world. I for one will not tell anyone what their path is – I simply offer a method for finding healing through anger. As always I encourage you to explore if it is right for you.


P.S. Of course the technique is far easier to explain person to person ( I’m doing my best to put it into words). If you have any questions or comments regarding it feel free to contact me.

Despair to Empowerment

Unconditional love is deeply understood in the light of our darkest hours.

It is here that we are finally given the opportunity to extend – to stretch our capacity for unconditional love and acceptance of ourselves.

Loving ourselves when everything is peachy is a cakewalk. It’s when everything is going to the toilet that we really see the depth of our love. It is when we are suffering and are in darkness that we have the greatest opportunity to provide light and nurturing.

The first step as with all things is to simply see. To acknowledge despair for what it is. To feel it for what it is. To fully grasp the moment for what it is. That we are deep in despair.

In the truth of our experience we can then move with honesty – and from honest beginnings we produce honest results.

Know that it takes more than mere cursory acknowledgement – more than simply saying or thinking “yes I am in despair.” The root of despair is feeling – and it is feeling where we must meet it.

It takes full faith to surrender to your inner self. Full faith to know that you are going in. Only by going in – entering that place can you fully understand it. It speaks in feeling and so we must listen in feeling.

Faith is needed to know that when you let your self go. When you surrender – that you will find yourself again. In truth you cannot be lost – but in the moments of despair our perception of this truth is lost. We dispel the illusion by going in.

Nothing will be lost – because nothing can be lost. Faith is a perception that we create because we believe that we do not know. We cannot lose ourselves as long as we remember that there is nothing to lose. Loss too only exists in the realization of it.

All revolution must start where the resistance is.

Working with resistance we find movement – then transformation.

Start where you are. In the depth of despair.  Know it well. Feel it.

From here there are many paths to move. Many methods to transform. But during the transition take careful note. What are the patterns in place that would stop or hinder you from transcending? What are the thoughts, the feelings, the voices that would ridicule, fill you with hopelessness or doubt? These too are children of despair. Hear them, understand them – but know that they are not the only voices that have power.

We can move from despair even with one voice, one weakened thought or breath.

Who is the person that chooses to focus on and thus feed what we choose to feed?

It is your choice when to focus – when to move.

The choice to love is the difference between continual suffering and meeting our despair with understanding. The power of choice gives us freedom – but only when despair is understood.


We Are Creators – Awaken Your Abilities of Creating Abundance

Who is the real you?

Is it under the mask that you wear? Is it the face that you find in the darkest hours of the night? The parts you show no one else? Or is it the spiritual self?

Who is it?

The truth is it’s all “real” – the mask, the deeper aspects, the facade – all of it. We create our world, and it is a many layered one. Even the so called real self – the spiritual self is only realized by us when we choose to pay attention to it. It is still there if we do not – we simply lose our connection to it. The same goes for anything.

Energy goes where attention flows.

Just because something is hidden doesn’t make it more real -just because something is obvious doesn’t make it less real. Sometimes we get so caught up in the mystery that we want to deny what is right up in front of our nose.

We realize power when we choose to give power to the aspects that we want to grow. The parts of us that we want and desire to illuminate.

This is the reason that people can get trapped in trying to be aware. When we are simply aware of what we have always known we get trapped in our “story”. All the reasons why we are who we are. It is awareness – but it is awareness limited to a certain space – a limited area of our mind.

Expanded awareness is literally that. It is to stretch our awareness of ourselves to see what else is there. When we look over the hills we realize there is more to us than we thought.

For people who are not used to stretching their awareness in this way it will seem like there is nothing to stretch – we may understand the concept but not the reality – how it feels to stretch. This is as it should be. In fact – this is how the stretch feels in the beginning. Like we don’t understand. Like it is unknown. A kind of void.

The greatest folly of the human ego is to think that because it doesn’t understand something that it is not worth or possible to ever grasp. And so it continues to do what it has always done.

Stretching consciousness begins with imagination. Imagination takes us into the unknown and begins to make sense of it. In the beginning we need to look and almost guess for what else is there in our minds and senses.

How many aspects of yourself are there? How many “truths?”

How many masks?

There may be one for family, one for work, one for sport, one for catching the bus, one for driving, one for shopping. Then there is angry one, the tolerant one, the obliging one, the fun one, the serious one, the perceptive one, the ignorant one, the arrogant one, the humble one, the spiritual one, the crude one. How many can we have?

The mind is infinite. We can keep on creating another aspect for another occasion just like that.

We truly are creators aren’t we?

Creativity and life are inseparable – and where would creativity lead without imagination?

A spiritual person becomes spiritual not because they have no masks or because they have no “non-spiritual” attributes (whatever the hell they are!). A person becomes spiritual because they focus their energy and attention on that part of themselves which they would define as spiritual.

A person becomes courageous not because they have no fear, but because they focus their energy and attention on that part of themselves that aligns with courage.

What we call a mask is often defined only because it is at the very least semi acceptable in our society. What we often label our “true” or deeper self is usually only the parts that we are afraid or ashamed to reveal to other people. None of this actually makes any of these selves our true self! They are still all just reflections of society. We’ve just assumed that the hidden self must be true and that the mask must be false. What if they’re all masks?

Moving on a moment.

The myth of the pure seeker is what holds so many back from being what they truly want to be. They believe that they must be purified of their “taint” before they can be “good.”

In truth we bring the “light” to the “darkness” and then we can see clearly.

In other words – focus on your solution – on your goal and destination and all else will fall into place.

Pure awareness will not take you to your goals unless that in itself is your goal. We need awareness plus conscious direction.

If we are trapped in a cycle, a pattern or “story” we can play this out until eternity if we choose to simply remain aware of this part of reality. Acknowledge where you are – but focus on where you want to go.

Be there now and you will draw it to you.

Here is an exercise to stretch your awareness into a direction of conscious and nurturing empowerment. It will help you to move out of cycles or patterns you are ready to leave.

Connect to all the reasons that you cannot achieve what you want in life. Feel all the emotions and feelings that hold you back. Be aware of all the reasons why you are “not good enough.”

Sit in it for a moment – right now.

Allow your awareness to encompass it all – all your feelings, thoughts, emotions. All the hurt, doubts and pain.

Take as long as you need to connect.

Hear what you are thinking. How does it make you feel? Feel how you’re feeling – how do you react to this?

Let yourself be in it.

Observe how you “sit” in it. How you react, think and feel “in it.”

Now imagine a feeling, a consciousness, an energy – however you would like to define it – imagine this consciousness as one that can hold all of the hurt, the doubt and pain. Imagine how this consciousness has to feel, how expansive it needs to be, how gentle and nurturing and sincerely compassionate it is to be easily capable of holding all that you are in it’s embrace.

No matter how guilty or unworthy you may feel. No matter the hurt, the doubt, the pain. This consciousness is able to hold you easily. It’s compassion is totally unconditional. It’s love is totally unconditional. Total acceptance.

Observe this feeling.

Do not be concerned with how weak or strong this feeling should or shouldn’t be. Simply imagine and know that your mind is beginning to connect with it.

Let yourself feel it.

It is there. You simply need to look.

Infinite compassion and love. The very definition of unconditional support and acceptance.

It meets all your pain, all your doubts and fears exactly how they are.

It asks no more of them than to be how they are.

Let yourself be here now.

Take how ever long you wish.

To some this is god. To others their higher self, or spirit. The name is unimportant. It is the meaning that has power. The strength of our connection to this essence is through how much we can learn to open our minds to it. Open our minds and pay attention. Attention expands and nurtures the connection between you and spirit. The more we nurture the connection, the clearer we perceive spirit or god.

Most people who have been in a cycle or pattern have been feeding and putting energy into the conduit between themselves and their patterns of pain, hurt, doubt and fear. By connecting to the essence that is able to embrace us no matter who we are and what we are feeling – we learn to heal that pain and to find a better way to live.

Life does not have to be about more and more suffering and I challenge anyone to truly question themselves if they believe it is. If you practiced the technique above then you already have insight into a connection that can truly empower you. Responsibility and choice are all that are needed to continue to strengthen that connection. Practice is all that it takes to make the connection permanent.

We are all creators. The choice is given to us in every moment. If we are conscious we have the opportunity to move out of a cycle. If we a unconscious we will continue to move in the patterns that we are in.

What do you want? Pain or joy? Self-hate? or Love? For me the answer has always been clear. The application of that answer simply requires knowledge and practice. You now have the means to both.


Understanding Etheric Curses

An Etheric Curse is a energetic program that influences consciousness at any one or all levels of mind, body and spirit. This program works to deny specific experiences and to enhance the perpetuation of others. What differentiates a curse from a normal pattern of habits and consciousness is that the curse has been installed in order to perpetuate specific frequencies of energy, generally so that the entity that placed the curse can draw on and use this energy.

One example of a curse may be someone who is low on energy or positive emotion. At the physical level the curse may influence the DNA or other core programs in order to facilitate the release of specific bio-chemicals. At the mental level the curse will trigger a reaction of thought and belief that perceives these bio-chemicals in a way that continues to sustain the frequencies required by the curse. Going deeper at the spiritual level, the Etheric bodies will be ‘hooked’ by imprints that carry the links of the curse from life to life. If consciousness becomes sentient enough at any of the 3 main levels of being, mind, body or spirit, then there is an opportunity to release the curse, however this type of sentience is usually the first element that is blocked by the programming of the curse.

Spiritual energies such as the Kundalini which are meant to be normal and natural for human beings have been blocked from flowing naturally from day 1 for centuries by a curse within the physical level of the body and its release often causes trauma because of the way that the curse warps the integration of the body with this energy. Kundalini in itself is simply a stepping stone to greater realization however preventing its flow also blocks the understanding of many other hidden spiritual abilities. This blocking of these keeps human consciousness at a low level of spiritual awareness.

It is important to understand that when curses and implants are removed at the 3 main levels that spiritual power and ability will always manifest safely and without even an ounce of trauma. At this point integration of the higher light bodies can be re-integrated easily and seamlessly.


The Way of Karma ~ Part 1

Karma is the reality of cause and effect. All experience and creation is the result of an interaction that in itself was a result of previous interaction. Karma is manifestation. It is all that we have created and set in place. Karma is energy and so it is the interaction of energies that determines how Karma will manifest. For example intent affects solid matter differently from mental or spiritual matter. Likewise intelligent and aware consciousness may interact differently at many levels and dimensions, the result being a shape, form and essence unique to the consciousness that bears it.

It is the depth and manner of understanding that determines the ultimate effect of Karma. Just as our ability to transcend and move through mind and body states will determines pleasure and pain, struggle and freedom, so too will these states determine our Karma. In fact the existence of these abilities, perception and understanding is also Karma. There is no level that escapes it, because all is within the sphere of cause and effect. This is the law of Karma, but it too falls within the infinite and so its opposite exists as soon as consciousness perceives its direction. That direction is to take no level of reaction or response. The essence that escapes cause and effect is that which does not react to cause and effect. It is this essence that is used to transform and “pay the dues” of Karma. It effectively stops feeding the patterns of karma and begins neutralizing the chain of reaction.

Important to note with the purification of Karma is that as levels of consciousness are revealed all perception right, wrong, evil, ugly and good will also surface. The principle of no reaction will carry us through all these experiences, however the mind that would hinder us is the mind that decides we are not allowed to progress. These beliefs of the mind are directly connected to our perception of right and wrong. For example if we begin to perceive difficult emotions it is the perception of difficulty which will create aversion, this in itself seeks to hinder the mind from even looking at it. Similarly if we become aware of a thought or experience that we are too attached to, then we have already shifted from a state of no reaction to one of reaction.

The most important attribute in re-directing and purifying the flow of karma is mental control. Control is the cultivation of mastery and will bring absolute direction and will over all levels of consciousness. This is the single reason why mastery of the self is sought. With it comes complete autonomy over the direction of destiny, spirit and karma.
