Tag Archives: mastery

The Foundation of Magic ~ Part 2 ~ The Secret to Unlocking Magical and Metaphysical Abilities

Magic creates a direction in which to channel consciousness. At the same time the art of Magic is not adverse to the use of tools, reagents and other ingredients as catalysts and mediums of energy. These ingredients provide a window into these energies and the reasons for how they alter cause and effect. Where many practitioners of “pure” meditation can reach plateaus where they cannot bridge spaces to further development, the aid of external energies and ingredients can provide the information that is required. In principle there is no difference between guidance from a human consciousness and guidance from a plant extract, crystal or herb. Knowledge is knowledge.

Moving the mind into an ingredient or reagent is essentially the same as moving the mind into any form or shape of consciousness. Observation opens the way to recognition and by focusing the mind through this channel an understanding of the energy’s properties becomes available. If the mind feels stretched as it learns to do this then the process is working!

With practice deeper levels of connection to the specific energies are found and the ability to use lesser and lesser amounts of ingredients and reagents will be noticed. This becomes a tangible way to measure the increasing ability of the mind to take the form and property of these specific energies. As the mind gains the ability to manifest directly, the opportunity to continue the process of development can be sustained by increasing the “intensity” of the goal. This will in turn require a deeper sensitivity and strength of the energies required to manifest this goal.

The art of Magic leads to the same place ultimately as the art of pure meditation. At the peak the mind recognizes itself as the creator of all things, and this understanding reveals the universal processes inherent in all esoteric arts and sciences. The way is almost never straight and linear, and knowledge however profound will not become wisdom without the integration of consciousness. The more expansive this consciousness, the more masterful our ability to integrate and therefore access and use this wisdom and knowledge.


The Foundation of Magic ~ Part 1 ~ The Secret to Unlocking Magical and Metaphysical Abilities

Magic is at it’s essence the manipulation of cause and effect. Through the deep understanding of energy the magic user learns to alter the direction and flow of reality.

The novice may begin with learning spells and techniques, but these are merely a pathway to learning the fundamental principles that underlie all magic, manifestation and creation. So too an adept may use external alchemy such as powders, roots, and herbs to enact an enchantment, but it is important to understand that these catalysts simply represent an energy. The path to mastery eventually leads to complete understanding of the frequencies of this energy such that no reagents or techniques are needed. The master learns to manifest at will because they have developed an understanding of the knowledge, energy and intelligence behind the reagent, technique or spell.

The essence of magic has always been the manipulation of energy whether through the use of spells and reagents or direct energetic manifestation from the mind. It may be easier in the beginning to simply use the reagent recite the technique and leave it at that, but the magic users growth and understanding will inevitably stagnate. The longer road that ultimately leads to mastery comes from understanding and meditating on the energy behind the spell, entering and learning the wisdom within the reagents and listening to the principles as they communicate beneath the techniques. This is the foundation of magic.

There needs not be any division between metaphysical schools that encourage the use of spells, ingredients and reagents and those that promote pure and undiluted development of the mind. The only division is that of the mind that wishes to perceive itself as being right. True practice and development of the self is about opportunities.

All understanding whether pure meditation, magic, alchemy, psychology or modern science is about communication. It is about understanding the expression of energy and reciprocating an expression of energy. To divide and separate is simply to divide and separate ourselves from the opportunity to truly understand unity. There is no separation when we delve into the heart of the matter.

Meditation is understood through the mind and senses and so too is magic, science, music, conversation, sleeping and dreaming. All of these hold opportunities for learning, expression, communication and understanding. All of these hold opportunities for empowerment, wisdom and growth. When communication becomes open and universal, it is because we have allowed our consciousness to bridge the gaps in perception that would keep us separate. The choice to find and bridge those gaps will always be found in seeking out that which we would resist and separate ourselves from and exploring those energies and spaces. What is of interest is that the art of Magic directly works with bridging separation and moving through resistance. It evokes creativity and surrender, connection with the external and awareness of the internal. The very fact that elements of Magic will elude the contemporary mind is evidence of its ability to stretch and expand the mind. All of these aspects and principles are fundamental to any school of pure meditation or mental mastery. The real power of Magic lies however in the reality that it does not exist. For it is the perception of impossibility that creates the greatest resistance in the mind – and so it is this resistance that bridges the greatest separation.


Channeling ~ Part 5 ~ Tapping Metaphysical and Spiritual Sources of Knowledge

Channeling offers a practitioner the opportunity to shape their mind in such a way that it perceives itself to be communicating with external sources. It is this perception that allows the development of the internal consciousness to realize and understand that the entire universe can be experienced within. The process of seeking the outside from within guides the mind to discovering more than what its familiar comfort zone and it is this that allows it to find true strength and purity. The contrasting perception of purity, which is one of isolation ultimately creates a perception of complete separation from the True Self.

In moving the mind out we are working with the sense and perception that we are moving from what is the self into external territory. This perception is what opens us to the possibility of psychic manipulation and negative entities. There are two main methods of dealing with these phenomena. One is to release the areas of resistance within us that entities can hold on to. The other is to form the part of consciousness that channels into a weave of sensitivity – soft yet strong enough to match the frequencies of any that come in its way. At the point of meeting it is important that our mental direction and energy is strong enough to move past these entities without taking on their residues while at the same time not compromising flexibility for strength. This is a process that is learnt most easily through experience, however it is important to note these things. Interestingly it is almost impossible to connect with another energy and not have an effect. The intention is to learn how to manage and direct this effect so that it is congruent with our truth.

This type of training provides a basis for moving in the direction of our potential at all times. Rather than fearing what we perceive to be negative energies because we have not yet reached the point where we can transform them, we learn to keep ourselves centered while moving toward our destination. We neither compromise our ultimate destination nor do we compromise our development of real inner strength. Working with this level of sensitivity requires a constant state of consciousness because subconscious states will have a tendency to react with fear to anything that they cannot assimilate or transform. A flexibility of mind is required to understand when the opportunity for developing aspects of emotional strength are at their potential and when less vulnerable methods of protection such as the popular white light visualizations are more appropriate. In itself this flexibility develops into a wisdom that is gradually understood at the deeper levels of body and mind. This direction entrains a further congruency of truth, reason and purpose between all levels of consciousness.

All action must report back to reflection and observation, and the main factor to observe is the overall state of tangible and conscious energy. Energy is the fuel that allows us to direct, drive and move our consciousness. There will always be a balance between integrating knowledge and having that act of integration drain us of energy. The important thing is that we keep tuned into our purpose and destination. There will be times when we intuit that it is necessary to enter low energy states, but the awareness of reason and meaning will provide the opportunity to find a gate through which we can again transcend this state.


Practicing Realization ~ Part 3 ~ Awakening Enlightenment Consciousness Through Active Meditation

The experience of realization can be as simple as reading a newspaper and being aware that you are reading the newspaper. This can involve noticing your posture and the way your body turns the pages. It can extend to observing how your mind and emotions react to the news that you read. Moving deeper involves finding dual and contradictory emotions and learning to access them simultaneously, moving back and forth between them, or entering into one so deeply that the other is for the moment seemingly gone. When we are familiar with the flow of consciousness at this level we may seek a deeper or more elusive space and seek it out, entering in, through and expanding into it. All the while we are still fully in the experience of reading the newspaper. Rather than compartmentalizing experiences we are allowing the mind and body to experience multiple layers and levels of consciousness. This is realization.

As long as we compartmentalize various emotional states, feelings and experiences our consciousness sees these states as solid, individual and fairly permanent. By opening up several states within the one we break this illusion, showing ourselves that emotion, feeling and experience is actually occurring on a multiple level of dimensions. The aim of all this is to train consciousness to understand that it does not need to be trapped in any emotion, feeling or experience. It has real and tangible choices.

By choosing a simple exercise such as noticing body sensations, posture or breathing and being aware of them during routine daily life we need to understand their purpose. Without purpose we are simply performing rote exercises and the mind will totally miss the point. Without understanding the purpose and reason integration cannot occur. Without integration there is no empowerment and the experiences will gradually become hollow and meaningless.

Observing the breath is not done simply to observe the breath. This level of understanding will not bring much benefit because how many of us truly wish to live life observing our breath all the time? It’s like speaking but not understanding that speech is a method of communicating with other people! Similarly observing the breath trains the mind to focus and sensitize to a particular frequency and subtlety of energy. Again simply observing this energy may have some benefits such as calming the mind but there is also an opportunity to understand that a language of communication is being developed here. By understanding that this level of observation is a way of listening to the language we open ourselves to the opportunity for communication! There is a big difference between these levels of understanding. While one is simply aware that energy is present, the other is aware that a communication is occurring and because of this awareness is able to create an intention to learn the meaning behind that communication!

Context, understanding, purpose and reason give way to creating real meaning in our experiences. Start with just observing physical sensation. It could be awareness of the tip of your nose. Just be aware of it at times throughout the day and also spend some time really listening and observing its feeling. Notice the various degrees and types of sensations. Explore and move into anyone of these. See what happens when you keep part of your consciousness attuned to these threads during the day. Become familiar with changes and shifts. Listen to the language and find ways to make conversation. Remember the context in which you are practicing and training. Remember why you are practicing – why did you originally start this type of development? How do those reasons fit in with the practices that you are now doing? How can the practices that you are presently doing help teach you within the context of that which you seek?

All these questions lead to the development of solutions that are relevant for our life path.


A Journey’s Essence

All journeys require effort and energy, commitment and dedication. Like all journeys however, if walked long enough, experienced long enough, and reflected on long enough certain wisdoms will be integrated. The ability to walk longer and with less energy expended. The ability to be in the moment, and also outside of the moment. The ability to see ahead, as well as behind. The ability to understand, appreciate and experience meaning in the journey.
A journey may at times make us weary, at other times it may inspire us to great levels of energy. There may be times that we stop and in despair exclaim that we can never continue, and then in what is seemingly a new moment pledge that we will never give up. At times it may seem as if all we have achieved amounts to nothing, at other times it seems as if with all we have achieved we should surely have reached the peak by now. Through it all we may at times remember to look back at the person who we are, the person that is walking, reflecting, in joy, pain, grief, anger and love. At times we may look back in gentle compassion, other times may bring regret or remorse, love and passion, wonder and confusion. At times we may be reluctant to look back at all for fear of what we may see. At other times it may seem as if all we see, the good and the bad, clear and confusing is in perfect harmony, rolling along seamlessly like clockwork.

The truth of all journeys is revealed when we begin to look back, it is an opportunity that only exists in reflection and the fact that we do carry a past – as this past is what defines the journey. That past, that journey is our present. Where we choose to direct it from here and now is made available by the extent, depth and focus of our awareness and ability to observe. The thing about observation as it pertains to the realm of mental and spiritual consciousness however is that there are more shapes, directions and forms than in the physical. While the physical is 3 dimensional, the mental exists in potentially many more dimensions. This reality can be experienced and witnessed simply by observing dualities and contradictions easily and cheerfully existing in our consciousness regardless of our beliefs and views on how reality should be.

Empowerment comes not from dictating how reality should be but by understanding why reality is how it is, then learning how to affect this reality. Gaining perspective comes from stepping back and seeing the big picture, going up and seeing from a higher vantage point, moving to the edge of the game and seeing everything that is going on. In the realm of the mental and spiritual this going to the edge, going up and seeing the big picture works in more ways that in the physical. Just like like dual, opposing and contrary directions and feelings can exist within the consciousness, so too going to the edge can mean going in, moving out, looking sideways, feeling in shapes, hearing in color, seeing in sound, smelling knowledge, tasting direction and communicating all of this information with a direction of mind that is moving more and more towards clarity. Traced back all of these ways of expression, listening and communication are found from one faculty that all of us have – awareness.


Illuminating the Dark ~ Part 2

When the light of consciousness communicates with the dark, a reciprocal interchange occurs that results in understanding. It is this understanding that leads to true inner peace and spiritual integration. It is vital that we control the potential arrogance of our egos enough so that we allow this communication to take place. The ego wishes to perpetuate a belief that it is in control. The truth is that the ego knows but a fraction of what full consciousness is capable of receiving. A decision needs to be made as to what it is that we truly seek: real knowledge and empowerment or the ego’s fantasy of superiority and control? If we are to choose real knowledge and empowerment then we must remain aware and each time we are given the opportunity to choose between ego or truth we must choose truth.

The path of truth will takes us through whatever lies in it’s way. This means that many times we will cross through what we perceive to be ego. The difference is that it is the goal of pursuing truth that is taking us there not the pursuit of elevating the ego. When we tap into the consciousness of pure awareness and allow it to communicate with the dark and the places that hurt emotionally, we are allowing these aspects to “see.” We are lending them vision and through this vision they realize what they truly are – whole.

Incorporating the practice of seeking out the dark and bring light to it is valuable because it is easy especially when making progress in “higher” arts to forget, ignore or pretend that all aspects of being are in alignment. The castle comes crashing down when we go so high, but have no foundation to stand on and eventually we realize that the foundation is not something that we can ever do without. Tibetan Buddhism has a practice called ‘Tonglen’ in which a practitioner embraces and welcomes all the world’s suffering and pain into themselves and projects love and compassion back. This conscious directing of the mind to seeking pain, suffering and darkness shifts the consciousness from one that usually avoids pain to one that is looking for it. The main goal here is find the places within us where we hide our pain and suffering. This then gives us an opportunity to heal it. It’s important to fully meet those parts of us that hurt and to really feel and experience them before moving to heal them. It is the same as any communication, the more we hear and understand the more effective and real the process will be.

Eventually the practice of illuminating the dark will reveal a level where we experience light and love opening up from within what we perceived as pain, suffering, boredom, mundane or so on. This is the space within which we realize our true self which exists and knows empowerment and peace in every moment and experience. Continuing to work with this consciousness, to deepen, listen, speak and understand the communication gives us the opportunity to create with power, meaning and purpose here and now on this planet.


The Power of Experience

There are no concepts or theories that can ever compare to actual experience. Experience is the truest and deepest teacher because it allows feeling and sensation to penetrate our being to the core and allow us to realize true meaning and power. Perhaps just as importantly experience is the difference between dissecting what works and what is fantasy.

When so much in the spiritual and personal development arena is puffed up by words and promises the only thing that will directly cut to the core is experience. Experience, actually feeling and living the reality of a theory or concept will immediately clear the table of all that is not real. What is left is solid and tangible. The opportunity that this provides us is two-fold. On the one hand it provides us with a foundation upon which to build further skill and on the other it presents our intellectual and doubting mind with results. From these results we sow the seeds of confidence and this confidence in turn fuels and sustains our practice. This is the cycle that ultimately brings us to our goals.

The first fundamental of all practice and therefore experience will always be focus. Without focus our energies and mind are scattered. We may have direction, we may have ideas and knowledge, but without focus all these are rendered impotent. Focus is the energy and mind state that allows us to integrate our other skills and knowledge. After focus we must realize awareness. Awareness is the art of listening and it is the only way we have of understanding the “canvas” upon which we are creating. Without awareness or listening it is like having a conversation and not knowing what the other is saying. The communication becomes ineffective. Where ever we are on the path these two fundamentals must be entrained into us. Our mind and body must be guided to experience the feeling of focus and the feeling of awareness. It is only through this experience that our consciousness can receive the knowledge at the deepest levels of mind and body. Without this integration we will always lack focus and awareness and without these developing other skills is a relative waste of time. They will have no foundation to stand on and no way of assessing their potency.

When the foundation is built and by this I mean experienced solidly then there are many paths or branches available. There is the path of Enlightenment, Realization and Alchemy. There is the Hermetic path, the path of Magic and Metaphysics, the Astral path or the path of Yoga. All these paths require their principles to be internalized through experience to truly be understood. Otherwise they are merely metaphors, stories, concepts and theories. Without experience it is easy to argue about the differences of these paths for they surely do seem very different. Through even the most rudimentary of experiences and actual practice it is easy to understand the one true source that underlies them all. This unifying essence is the mind which through all these practices is being moved, stretched and shaped. It is learning forms and formlessness. It is experiencing the finite and the infinite, yin and yang and the Tao. Through experience whole books of lore can be proven to be dead ends or a single phrase can show the way. Eventually all the texts and teachings will give way to the experience of the inner-tuition that is true and alive knowledge and wisdom.

The journey to the top of our mountain is achieved when we stop to reflect on the way we are going. Reflection is listening. Listening is observing the effects of our experience. Through honest and open reflection we are able to navigate our path. Is it likely that we will progress in this direction? Do we require the development of other skills? These are the questions that come from honest reflection and the answers provide us with the opportunity to go further.

Sitting at the bottom of the mountain it can be easy to dream about the peak and perhaps not as exciting to think about picking up the rucksack and taking those first steps. Even less exciting can be the prospect of sore muscles and aching breath, but it is only in experiencing the mountain that we can develop mastery of the mind and body. Sitting at the bottom we merely develop mastery of dreaming. Furthermore it is only through taking the climb that we may discover that we are able to not only climb the mountain but perhaps fly from its peaks. Potential is only realized when we stretch who we are and experience all that we could be. All of this lies in the province of practice and practice is experience.



The way of the master is to understand the greatest opportunity in every moment. It is not necessarily about being skilled or unskilled, educated or uneducated, it is more about potential. Mastery is about reaching for potential even when the skill is small, it is about stretching the mind even when education is little. The mindset of mastery sets our consciousness for realizing the fullest potential possible at any given moment.

There is no one “trick,” technique or “secret” to realizing empowerment, just as there is no one way to enlightenment. Eventually the work needs to be done, the aspects of darkness need to be enlightened, the weak needs to be strengthened and the illusions transcended. All paths have the potential to reveal to us the principles behind how our minds work, and at any stage along the way we will have the opportunity to see that many, many paths can lead to self-mastery and empowerment. The difference will always be whether our path takes the direct road or the indirect road. Continuously choosing ignorance will eventually provide opportunities for truth simply because the glaringly, obvious reality that we are not happy or empowered will one day be too massive to ignore anymore. When the pain is too great then we will look for answers. Continuously choosing truth will mean that in each given moment we are taking the opportunity to reveal empowerment and enlightenment, no moment is too special or too mundane. In truth like a special mentor Dan Millman said “there are no ordinary moments.”

Variety is the spice of life in that it provides a kick in our perception that pushes us to experience differently than what we are used to. We are forced to adapt and feel in other ways. Perhaps we will feel clumsy, stupid or inept and these moments also offer the opportunity to bring and realize empowerment and enlightenment. It is after all one thing to feel empowered doing the same things that we always excel in, feeling in control and perhaps better than most. It is quite another thing to find empowerment when we are for the 100th time singing out of key at karaoke, showing our two left feet at Irish dancing or wearing our mother’s favorite purple polka dot sweater. The thing is that without these situations that bring out the aspects of ourselves that we have not had a chance to develop, we quite simply would not develop them.

It is only when we do things differently that we see more of ourselves. It is truly a gift that for those of us that are interested in personal development that it is so readily available for us to experience and reveal our inner selves. “Different” doesn’t need to be as dramatic as nude modeling or stand-up comedy. It could be as simple as listening to some different music in the privacy of your own home. It could be dancing to this different music. It could be taking a bath or reading a book. It could be doing some gardening or talking to a neighbor. It could be not talking to anyone for a while. The opportunity of any of these experiences is not in what it is but in what it bring out of us. The more aspects of our selves that we bring empowerment to the more we realize mastery. As this development progresses it becomes obvious that mastery has little to do with our skill or education level, but with our willingness to strive always towards our potential. This is perhaps the greatest skill of all and the beauty of it is that all those other skills and knowledge seem to come far easier when in this mind state.

Look at a dog running to catch a ball. It is not discouraged that it might not catch the ball, it is not losing sleep over the fact that it missed the ball 5 times yesterday and it is certainly not going to let any of those past experiences stop it from going for it this time. The development of ball catching is pushed to it’s potential because a dog allows itself to go for it. The same thing can be observed in babies and children. Before they develop the “maturity” to consider how they might fail and what that means they just go for it and so they learn at a phenomenal rate. Adults on the other hand have a reputation in general for being slow learners if they even take that road at all! More than the flexibility needed to do swing dancing, more than the rapport needed to do stand up comedy and more than the physical action required to even wear something different – more than all these things, the greatest obstacle is the mind that feels like it has something to lose. As long as we allow the mind to prevent us from experiencing then we have already lost. We have lost the opportunity to experience, and look at what we have decided to keep. We have chosen to keep our fears intact and who we believe ourselves to be untarnished. Instead of realizing empowerment through changing our perception of ourselves we are striving to keep our self-perception unchanging. The irony is that if we are really so content to not move an inch then why are we on the path of self-development at all?

Mastery is a mind state. This state makes the difficult easy because it is a mind state that is not adverse to failure. It creates no more fear than is already present, and with the fear that is already present it chooses to move forward with courage anyway. This is a mind coordinated for success. Every step is simply a step closer. Doubts will be doubts but are not hindrances unless we do not continue to move forward, and so the power of doubt is made impotent. As for mistakes, these are results and offer the opportunity to develop sensitivity and focus. They are a refinement in progress.

Masters assume that continuing steadfastly on their path will bring them the knowledge and experience, and therefore the ability to achieve their goals. Knowing this allows them to put everything else in their favor. Their mind state is optimized for success and so their bodies are optimized for success. Everything is geared to take advantage of any opportunities that should arise – and because they are ready for opportunities – they see opportunity everywhere.

One of the reasons that the master’s mind state works so well is the unshakable confidence that they have. It doesn’t matter if others are doubtful, it doesn’t matter if we ourselves have doubts. Let the doubters and doubtful thoughts do their thing, and we will continue to do ours. This type of sustaining, all-weather confidence lends energy and clarity to the mind. Knowing that we can achieve success allows us to be calm and centered. This allows the body and mind to optimize oxygen and energy co-ordination more effectively which again increases clarity and energy. Each attribute helps the other. This is the meaning of a coordinated approach. This is the meaning of mind and body being as one. It is a unity, the same unity that we see in a dog leaping for a ball, or a baby learning to walk.


The Power of Confidence

A master once asked me what I thought that I most gained from training with him. Many things came to mind and I mentioned his technique, understanding and expression of principles and teaching ability. He stopped me then and said: “The one thing that you gain most from me is the ability to have confidence in yourself. You trust that my ability is good and so you believe that what you are learning and developing is also good. Because of confidence in me you trust what I say, you trust what I show you – and so you develop confidence yourself.”

Over the years this statement has been reflected in my own teachings. I’ve seen students struggle to understand concepts but continue on trusting that I know the method and so having confidence in themselves.

An Aikido master once remarked to me that it was amazing how people would train the same basic technique for 40 years and still feel like they were scraping the surface of it, yet because of the confidence given to them by their teachers they would continue, knowing full well that the journey may not be completed in their lifetime and yet finding gratitude in the smallest increments of improvement.

I have often seen meditation practitioners who believing that they were getting no where simply gave up. What they were unable to see was the context and structure in which they were learning. They perceived elements such as the monkey-mind, lack of focus, agitating emotions and believed they were on the wrong track. Confidence waned and they dropped their practice.

I now see the remarkable value that confidence has in ones life because the fundamental thing that it give us is the ability to persist. If we believe that we are on the right track it is far easier to keep going. When we are in the dark, confused and unsure if we are going in the right direction, it is easier to give in to doubts.

This is one of the reasons why I encourage people to find teachers and mentors. Especially if our life reflects certain undeveloped skills or experiences which seem to just keep being allocated to the “tomorrow” folder. A time will come where most teachers or mentors would encourage us to develop confidence in ourselves. The sooner the better generally. Confidence is an energy which we release ourselves. It is simply that we do not choose to release it until we believe that we have reason to feel it. If we are doubtful people then we will perceive there being very little reason to release it. On the other hand confidence can be an addictive sensation so we may try to recreate situations and experiences where we can attain this feeling. We may try to dominate conversations and push our own views. This tends to cover up our own inner insecurity. There is a far more effective path. The path of self-knowledge.

Self-knowledge develops confidence simply because in knowing who we are we gain the opportunity to understand what gives us value and meaning, form our inner self into one united with deep purpose – and ultimately accept and love ourselves for who we are.

The path of developing confidence requires bringing sense to a universe that is seemingly senseless. In learning to control ourselves we learn to flow with what comes our way. We do not control the waves of life, we become master surfers and learn to direct our way through what is given to us. It is an exquisite balance of give and take. Ebb and flow.

Self-knowledge comes from connecting with experiences consciously. Being conscious we will see what is occurring. Self-knowledge comes from seeking information through books, people and other such resources. Path-notes that others leave are like journal entries that eventually unite all paths and thought. Seek the connection between all directions. Perhaps most importantly is to realize the mind which has already achieved full self-knowledge. This is also the mind which has attained true and pure confidence.

Work with this exercise:

Start exactly where you are. Expand your mind to encompass and observe your thoughts, emotions and feelings. Notice how they inter-react with your body.

Stretch your mind to effortlessly observe all the movement and flow within yourself.

Place no regulation on however your inner and outer landscape will express itself. Simply allow it to be.

At this point the eyes may be opened or closed. Allow yourself to see in your mind’s eye the you that is mastery personified.

See, feel and hear the essence of this being that is you.

How does it feel to know yourself fully and honestly?

How does it feel to meet every atom and point of consciousness with complete and effortless acceptance?

How does your inner master look?

Allow your consciousness to move completely into this reality.

Allow the dimension or mastery to be pulled completely into you.

Becoming the consciousness of mastery automatically shifts you to doing what a master would do to complete their journey. It draws in all the elements of meeting experiences consciously, attracting people, texts and other resources and integrating this knowledge at all levels of the body and mind. As consciousness opens up to being a master, aspects which may have been a struggle before will happen easier and with less effort. We essentially get out of our own way! As we begin to see that we are capable of being spontaneously effective, we realize a confidence that we can never achieve from attempts to control the external world. This is the power of true confidence.


The Master’s Trap

The feeling that we are just beginning to understand the essence of mastery comes not from low self worth. It comes from being open to knowledge and so with this mind set we gain knowledge.

We need not be falsely modest and say that we know very little. We simply remain open to what it is that we are seeking to achieve and we will be open to the knowledge that we need. We will see the opportunities that we need. In this way knowledge and the opportunities to understand this knowledge will come in droves. There is a vast difference between the image of being open and being open. One of them has as it’s goal the acquisition to further ones pride. The other has as it’s goal the acquisition to further one’s knowledge. As long as we are open to knowledge there will be knowledge to receive.

The title of “master” carries power – but this very power can stand in the way of the path of knowledge. If we believe that a master has learned all they have to learn, if we believe that a master can teach themselves all that they need to learn, if we believe as a master that our system is the only one that is relevant – then we close ourselves to much knowledge. Master is a word that is not always a reflection of skill, because skill is not about title, it is about results – and results improve with knowledge and experience. Mastery of the self requires that at some point we let go of the false pride that would achieve this goal simply for the accolades and to focus our energies simply on being a master. The aspects that crave mastery simply to fulfill an insecurity of worth need to be resolved. True self-mastery is able to accept the energies of insecurity to the point where we can transcend those energies – and so we no longer need to cater to them at all. We are not concerned with external appearances or agendas because we are not attached to the emotional state of pride, insecurity and fear. True pride can then be revealed. The true path is then illuminated even brighter.

True pride is the feeling that we are following our true path. True pride is congruent with the feeling of self-honor.

When we transcend the attachments to desires that we do not truly wish then our mind becomes united. Our mind is not in struggle with itself, our energies are not dissipated.

Do not try to appear like a beginner. Do not try to appear humble. Simply be humble. Be open to all knowledge that is applicable to your path. Investigate and observe when your pride feels a sting – and in this moment listen for a part that feels true. It may be faint, it may be strong – but it is the part that honors what you know to be you.

It exists in inner chaos as much as it exists in inner order.

True humility does not need to exist in appearances. It exists regardless of face and demeanor. It exists when we are arrogant just as it exists when we are at peace. We simply need to know how to find it. We need to practice listening for it when the landscape is happy, we need to listen for it when the landscape is sad. We need to remember and take action on that memory.

Being open means that we ask for what we need. Accepting who and where we are means acknowledging when we may benefit from asking for knowledge from others and requesting teachings. A true master is able to become a beginner because they understand that the true goal requires doing what is needed to achieve it. False pride, images of grandeur, wisdom and stature fall away when it is understood that they simply hinder the journey. Looking the fool, appearing ignorant or clumsy are not concerns when our goal is self-mastery. In fact as we begin to realize the goal, all these human “flaws” are experienced with true compassion because we allow ourselves to forgive every aspect of ourselves. At this point, like babies, we learn to walk unimpeded by a mind fraught with concerns of failure, image and false pride. Our goal becomes simply to walk.

To one that has forgotten what it is to play, a child will be a master.

Explorers of mastery will rarely be understood by the collective consciousness because to the collective anything out of the acceptable is ridiculous, scary or just generally incomprehensible. Seeking self-knowledge we will walk lines that often contradict, we will often illustrate dualities, observe blatant hypocrisy and be accused of being over-analytical to the nth degree – and this is merely the tip of the ice-berg that they see of us. Of course all of these things are part of being human. It is just that the more our awareness grows, the more we become aware of the seeming chaos of the mind – and this is where the real opportunity lies. As we see so we gain the chance to meet what we find with understanding and compassion. Journeying deeper into our depths we find more “madness” and we gain the opportunity to realize and listen for peace. In time peace will permeate to our inner most core and it has followed the path of understanding at each juncture.

This is the reason why those who have come before us have left path notes which remind us to remain ever vigilant. At each juncture there is the lure to simply go the way that we have always gone. If however we remain conscious and choose the path of understanding, then we reconcile that part and it is re-integrated in the whole.

At any point of the journey it is important to be aware of pride. To be open to knowledge even if it’s presence defines that we are still beginners. We are not here simply to be called masters or for that matter beginners. We are here to learn and grow.
