As the etheric moves toward the subtle, closer and closer to absolute stillness, time and location also move toward oneness. Entry to this plane is through what many in the astral refer to as ‘The Infinity Gate.’ It has record not only of everything that has happened it also contains the possible futures, possible pasts and possible presents. These are observed and experienced as real.
‘The Infinity Gate’ is simply an access point to the realities of the universe and entering this access point appears to be quite challenging even to those experienced to the astral realms. For many it will simply be as if invisible – invisible in form, mind, concept and idea. The way to approaching it will quite simply never appear. To those that gain perception of the gate itself it will then manifest itself in an as unlimited number of ways as there are minds to create these ways. It may appear as a medieval gate, it may appear as an energetic portal or a guardian. Beyond this form, the essence of the gate is the same, and the key adapts to the form of the being that beholds it.
The planes through the ‘Infinity Gate’ can be used for many things, entertainment, research, knowledge or enlightenment. It provides these goals by allowing the seeker to create all of their dreams, fantasies and desires as if they were real. The senses gain the stimulation that they have craved and desired and so gain the opportunity to ultimately experience the impermanence and false power behind these experiences. Lifetimes can pass within this realm without even a moment having passed within the physical.