Tag Archives: magic

The Zero Point – The Ultimate Manifestation Power

The zero point is a state of consciousness where no distance exists. This means that the beginning exists within the end, awareness exists with ignorance and power exists with impotence. The reason that this state is so powerful is due to the fact that healing, manifestation and empowerment can occur instantly. There is no pause between here and there, because here and there exist in the same point.

For all things to exist in the same point is to mean that all things are one. It is this unity that allows mind, body and spirit to be one. It is this unity that allows the Shaman to become the wolf. It is this unity that allowed Nicola Tesla to be the mind of technology.

Embracing destruction is important in order to experience the zero point because without destruction we will not conquer our limiting beliefs and emotions. Destruction provides room for movement or creation. Creation creates experience which then opens the way for reflection and observation, which then paves the way for further destruction and refinement.

The zero point consciousness is found through destroying all that is separate. The more that unity is created, the more that separation is destroyed. The creative phase appears as a result of this. Although energy is not actually destroyed, the form, essence and the meaning that it represents can be.

Zero point consciousness has the potential to completely destroy the form, essence and meaning of energies.

It is this power that makes it so valuable to healers and adepts of all kinds. This power is also the reason why complete zero point consciousness can usually only be accessed by those that have spent the time and done the work stretching and conditioning their mind. The conditioning of the mind ensures that along with power, the adept also has control and perception.

Certain technologies and psychedelic drugs are able to connect the mind and body to a relatively strong zero point consciousness and many realizations can be had in this state. There is however no real control, since the very tools that determine control are the faculties that are used to develop a firm and measured grasp on zero point consciousness from scratch.

The massive difference is whether it is the zero point that directs us or us that directs the zero point.

Having the power to manifest and make powerful connections instantly may sound great, but the ramifications are huge if we are not in control. A mind that is unable to focus or manage its many emotional states can and will create more pain and suffering for itself when it has the power to do so. Just as a healer can transpose a diseased state, zero point consciousness can also bring on a diseased state.

The experience is completely different when all the supporting muscles of the mind and consciousness have been developed, and it is the very development that takes place when training with control to connect to zero point that develops these muscles. This provides the ability to create, sustain and manage the profound amounts of energy involved.

This planet has been littered with the corpses of minds eager for spiritual quick fixes and answers, but not willing or knowing enough to do the work required to get these. The answers have always been the same. Lack of control leads to power out of control.

Zero point consciousness is a destination of profound value. This value is only truly open to us when we develop it through the use of our own faculties and senses. It is only then, that we have the control and perception to direct it.


Self Mastery ~ Become the Master of Your Own Destiny

Mastery is developed when we learn to understand all aspects of consciousness. Depth and expansion is gained from striving to reach into the unknown. Exploring that which has not been explored and learning to create understanding and wisdom.

Realization is a process of shedding layers of perception. Perspective and consciousness grows by the depth and expansion gained from moving through those layers. It is a highly creative and focused process. Each layer of perception that we move through requires that we grasp and then let go. We let go each time that our mind realizes that what we knew to be reality, was not in fact all there was to reality. We grasp each time we stretch our minds and expand our perception. We strive to learn more, then let go of this striving.

The practice of realization can and will be real hard work at times, but it is this work that bears the fruits of real joy, inner peace and love.

The human magnetism at this time, particularly where spirituality is concerned needs to get over the belief that spirituality is all about being effortless, instant and easy. Sure, this reality exists, but it is an extremely limited one as far as experiencing enlightenment, empowerment or inner peace. The path of finding easy answers is a path that separates the emotions of patience from impatience, frustration from peace and discipline from apathy. It is this very separation that will keep us from experiencing that true power is found in unity. If we seek real empowerment and enlightenment yet run from impatience, frustration and apathy, then we are running in the wrong direction. We must expose the power buried within these energy states – it is only then that the illusion is lifted. Otherwise we are like puppets being controlled by strings. The path of mastery would cut these strings forever – and forever as always, starts here and now.

Understanding what opportunities hold real power for us is the first step in experiencing real power. All through time masters and teachers have understood the power of developing patience, persistence and self-discipline. At the same time they faced their impatience, their frustrations and their desires for power and glory. The very basics of their training involved facing these emotions, looking them square in the eye, feeling the fire fully, yielding in mind, but in spirit not an inch. This training would always separate those that sought quick and easy answers and those that truly were committed to the path of mastery. Those that could not face their impatience, their desire for instant answers and frustrations had shut the door on themselves.

When we turn away from our impatience, frustration and aversion to hard practice we also lose the opportunity to master these aspects. Not only this, but we have not even begun to develop the most basic attribute of mastery – control. If we cannot control our mind in spite of our impatience, frustrations and aversions then the battle is over before it has even begun. Much spiritual marketing would have us believe that mastery, enlightenment and empowerment can be bought and achieved without any undue strain or effort. This simple lie can be dissolved simply by understanding spiritual logic:

Enlightenment is only achieved by bringing light to the dark.

Mastery is only achieved by understanding and developing control of those aspects that would control us.

As long as we hide from our weaknesses then our weaknesses are free to control us through our subconscious. Empowerment is not simply a rush of endorphins running through the body or some affirmations that we are in fact enlightened already. Empowerment is a systematic and highly logical process of exploring, observing and listening for free form energy within our mind, body and spirit. This process requires persistence and the ability to be true and sincere because in our exploration we can and will find aspects that challenge us deeply. The very act of committing to a daily, regular routine of self-work is in itself going to bring up “stuff.” It doesn’t need to be a big deal, but it becomes a big deal when we run away from this “stuff” day after day and year after year. After a while we become very practiced at running away, but have no idea of how to stand our ground.

Control is developed when we choose to face each aspect that would challenge us. Discipline is developed when these choices are made repeatedly. Mastery is made when we meet those parts with complete understanding and strength.


The Foundation of Magic ~ Part 2 ~ The Secret to Unlocking Magical and Metaphysical Abilities

Magic creates a direction in which to channel consciousness. At the same time the art of Magic is not adverse to the use of tools, reagents and other ingredients as catalysts and mediums of energy. These ingredients provide a window into these energies and the reasons for how they alter cause and effect. Where many practitioners of “pure” meditation can reach plateaus where they cannot bridge spaces to further development, the aid of external energies and ingredients can provide the information that is required. In principle there is no difference between guidance from a human consciousness and guidance from a plant extract, crystal or herb. Knowledge is knowledge.

Moving the mind into an ingredient or reagent is essentially the same as moving the mind into any form or shape of consciousness. Observation opens the way to recognition and by focusing the mind through this channel an understanding of the energy’s properties becomes available. If the mind feels stretched as it learns to do this then the process is working!

With practice deeper levels of connection to the specific energies are found and the ability to use lesser and lesser amounts of ingredients and reagents will be noticed. This becomes a tangible way to measure the increasing ability of the mind to take the form and property of these specific energies. As the mind gains the ability to manifest directly, the opportunity to continue the process of development can be sustained by increasing the “intensity” of the goal. This will in turn require a deeper sensitivity and strength of the energies required to manifest this goal.

The art of Magic leads to the same place ultimately as the art of pure meditation. At the peak the mind recognizes itself as the creator of all things, and this understanding reveals the universal processes inherent in all esoteric arts and sciences. The way is almost never straight and linear, and knowledge however profound will not become wisdom without the integration of consciousness. The more expansive this consciousness, the more masterful our ability to integrate and therefore access and use this wisdom and knowledge.


The Foundation of Magic ~ Part 1 ~ The Secret to Unlocking Magical and Metaphysical Abilities

Magic is at it’s essence the manipulation of cause and effect. Through the deep understanding of energy the magic user learns to alter the direction and flow of reality.

The novice may begin with learning spells and techniques, but these are merely a pathway to learning the fundamental principles that underlie all magic, manifestation and creation. So too an adept may use external alchemy such as powders, roots, and herbs to enact an enchantment, but it is important to understand that these catalysts simply represent an energy. The path to mastery eventually leads to complete understanding of the frequencies of this energy such that no reagents or techniques are needed. The master learns to manifest at will because they have developed an understanding of the knowledge, energy and intelligence behind the reagent, technique or spell.

The essence of magic has always been the manipulation of energy whether through the use of spells and reagents or direct energetic manifestation from the mind. It may be easier in the beginning to simply use the reagent recite the technique and leave it at that, but the magic users growth and understanding will inevitably stagnate. The longer road that ultimately leads to mastery comes from understanding and meditating on the energy behind the spell, entering and learning the wisdom within the reagents and listening to the principles as they communicate beneath the techniques. This is the foundation of magic.

There needs not be any division between metaphysical schools that encourage the use of spells, ingredients and reagents and those that promote pure and undiluted development of the mind. The only division is that of the mind that wishes to perceive itself as being right. True practice and development of the self is about opportunities.

All understanding whether pure meditation, magic, alchemy, psychology or modern science is about communication. It is about understanding the expression of energy and reciprocating an expression of energy. To divide and separate is simply to divide and separate ourselves from the opportunity to truly understand unity. There is no separation when we delve into the heart of the matter.

Meditation is understood through the mind and senses and so too is magic, science, music, conversation, sleeping and dreaming. All of these hold opportunities for learning, expression, communication and understanding. All of these hold opportunities for empowerment, wisdom and growth. When communication becomes open and universal, it is because we have allowed our consciousness to bridge the gaps in perception that would keep us separate. The choice to find and bridge those gaps will always be found in seeking out that which we would resist and separate ourselves from and exploring those energies and spaces. What is of interest is that the art of Magic directly works with bridging separation and moving through resistance. It evokes creativity and surrender, connection with the external and awareness of the internal. The very fact that elements of Magic will elude the contemporary mind is evidence of its ability to stretch and expand the mind. All of these aspects and principles are fundamental to any school of pure meditation or mental mastery. The real power of Magic lies however in the reality that it does not exist. For it is the perception of impossibility that creates the greatest resistance in the mind – and so it is this resistance that bridges the greatest separation.
