Category Archives: Glossary

Descriptions of terms commonly used on this site.


Numerology is the study of numbers and their relation to the Soul, the Higher Self, the universe, time, space,  cause and effect. Through the understanding of these relationships through dimension and realities practitioners seek to gain knowledge.


The Void is the experience of emptiness where even the ability to perceive ourselves as an observer is gone. It is the beginning of all potential.

Original Spirit

Original Spirit is essence that observes and watches everything. It is everything but it is also nothing. It is capable of being contradiction, chaos and order and yet it is able to also be peace. From Original Spirit we are able to cross paths into any dimension we choose.


Relative truth is where we and who we are now. Absolute truth is reality when we have moved through all the impermanent layers of our consciousness to find what has always existed.


Shape-Shifting is the ability to change the form of ones energy to becoming that of another energy. This shift in consciousness allows us to understand and integrate the knowledge of the other.


Clairsentience means “true knowing.” It is the ability to draw on knowledge directly from the Akashic Records and at it’s highest level of development allows knowledge to be integrated directly from the Universal Source.


Clairvoyance means “true seeing.” It is the ability to see more than what is commonly seen by the physical eyes. Seeing on this level allows the ability to see the subtle energy including auras, chakras and spiritual and dimensional entities.


Clairaudience means “true hearing.” It is the ability to hear more than what is commonly perceived by the ear. Hearing on this level allows communication with spiritual and dimensional entities.