Category Archives: Glossary

Descriptions of terms commonly used on this site.


Awakened is the term that some use for enlightenment. This definition of enlightenment says that humans are “asleep” because we are slaves to our cravings and aversions. We feel a certain sensation and before we can even think we have reacted. To be “awake” is to be free of these reactions. Instead or re-action we are free to act. Each moment then is experienced as a completely new moment as opposed to a moment experienced through the filter of our perceptions.


Enlightenment is to bring “light” to every aspect, level and dimension of ourselves. Light means awareness and equanimity or true acceptance. Enlightenment has also been referred to by some including the Buddha as being “awake.”

Faith Healing

Faith Healing is the belief that there is a power be it God or something else that is able to heal all ailments should it choose to do so. The Faith Healer communicates with this source through their powerful belief and elicits a healing.


Shambhalla is a dimension slightly out of synchronicity with our own. Entering this place requires that one raise their physical vibration to match that of the gates of Shambhalla.


Synchronicity is the conscious awareness of cause and effect. It is the ability to perceive the links between events and experiences.  Tuning into synchronicity allows one to tap into the opportunities that unfold.  Manifestation comes from this.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the study of cause and effect in relation to both energetic and physical landscapes. While Feng Shui is popularly known as it relates to external environments and houses it can also refer to inner landscapes of the body, mind and soul.